Jaebum - Believe Your Goosebumps

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Sighing, you looked around at the picturesque scene braced by the same white-washed towering buildings and walls which seemed to make up every street in the city. The sun was just about to set but stillー no signs of Jaebum.

With a small groan, you finally admitted that you were completely and utterly lost. A hint of panic piercing through your ash-brown eyes as sunset calmly settled around you.

Where the hell are you, Jaebum?

But what surprised you was the familiar-looking black lustrous vehicle suddenly stopped in-front you. Tch. It's him. And when he moved out of his ride, you walked past him without sparing a single glance. Yet, he overtook you as you made it into the end-side of the driveway.

"Y/n, wait!" He desperately called out to you. "Sorry, I'm lateー"

"For the nth f.ucking time! You think I'm stupid?" You cut him off, tired of hearing his pleas. "I've had enough, Jaebum."

"I know, I'm sorry." He exclaimed. "It's just thatー something came up."

"Then go, finish your godd.amn business." You ranted. Great. I sounded like a selfish b.itch. "I'm going home."

Jaebum sighed, ignoring your criticism as he pulled you behind him, reaching to his car. "Aish! Stubborn princess." He mumbled as he opened the passenger's door. "I know you're mad as hell. But let me make up to you, baby." He leaned closer and gave you a quick peck on your parted lips. Though your own mind was racing as you tried to sat comfortably on the leather seat.

The drive was fast and only silent filling the gaps and you realized, this isn't your way home but rather Jaebum's. Wait? What? His house? But why here?

"Make yourself comfortable." He said and you heard him sighing, deeply. "Come on. How long are you gonna ignore me?"

"J-just take me home."

"You know I can't do that." He argued, taking your hand and kissed it lightly. "I won't return you until tomorrow."

"Are you kidding me?" You yelled over him, surprised. "Do you want my parents getting us killed?"

"That won't happen. I've called them earlier." Said Jaebum and managed to feign a halfway believable smile.

"You did just what?" You spatted, trying to collect your thoughts as you studied his familiar expression.

"They told me as long as you're safe, they're cool with it." He reassured and it sounded wrong but perversely right. "Your dad even reminded me to use protection."

Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

"Shut up, you baー"

Your eyes widened when Jaebum shut your mouth off, crashing his lips into yours. It left you speechless, defeated at once by his slight touch. "I love you." He whispered between the kisses before pulling himself away.

"You're a wicked man." You commented and he frowned, cupping your chin in his hand. "I guess, I am being stubborn."

"Aren't you gonna ask?"

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