Jackson - Expect The Unexpected

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Twinnie!!!!! Sorry if it took me ages to post your request!! I miss you!! btw, she too, is an amazing author!! Please do check her works!! Her name is just a one click away (^_-) you can be friends with her too! She's the nicest, lovable and BEAUTIFUL person I met in wattpad. Of course, with influence of KPOP!!!! :D

P.S. Sorry for not posting anything nor an update! I was too lazy to make one and I kinda lost my ability to write ㅠ_ㅠ plus, I've been into traveling these days! Exploring a lot of place in my country LOL so here goes, hope I didn't lose everyone :(

Happy reading :D


Didn't they know that young love was always destined to an end, a tragedy? Haven't they thought of Shakespeare or Romeo and Juliet?

It must be painful. Is it?

Lown thoughts had filled your mind, you had never lost anyone before and you didn't exactly know what it feels like to have one. What could you ever know about falling in love? Yep, you may know a lot of the L word. Reminding yourself, this is twenty-first century and Google could fed you with everything or anything you ever wanted to know. Just name it. From breaking news to secret affairs, false rumors and all the somewhat-fishy gossips.

Yeah, listen upー

I do not fall in love and I never will. You sworn to your head as you walked through the silent halls of the school library premise. Noting your biggest fear that maybe you had the potential to develop a liking to someone and that single thought frightened you to the depths of your soul. But a sign of relief jammed your head as if it was a constant reminderー when it comes to love and your ability to look for one, you're a complete turnout.

Afterall, love isn't for everyone.

"I can't believe you, Y/n!" Andrea Giles, your best friend, your non-biological twin, the only person you can put up with your over-the-sky-attitude. Though she wouldn't buy any of your sarcasm. "I mean god!" She was in-front of your face, whispering a yell. Not unless if she wanted Mrs. Neilson, the grumpy librarian would kick her bum outー in which you highly hope the middle-aged woman will.

But, guess not.

"You are not locking yourself in your room or in this nauseating library or whatever places you think you can hide your soul away from people!" Andrea continued her endless rants to only God knows when will she ever shut her mouth.

"Why? Would it matter if I did?" You spatted back as you copped quite a number of printed materials out in the chemistry section. But Andrea, being her usual slash-and-burn selfー took each one of the books away from your held. Stacking them all at once back to the shelf and your jaw fell at her sudden actions. "Hey! What the f.uck is wrong with you? Bring themー"

"No and no, ms. Dayton High's geek!" She averred, shutting you off mid-sentence. Dragging you out of the place against to your liking. Oh god, someone please, stop this creature! "We have a party to crash tonight."

"Whose party? I mean, no! I am not going anywhere. Not tonight!" You argued, cringing at the idea. No way in hell you're risking your life over to some nonsensical-event that every existing teen may never wanted to miss their whole life with. "And you're not my mother. Don't decide things according to your wills and wants."

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