Jackson x Bambam x Jaebum - Bad Behavior

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Requested by: xxfckai88


"Jackson, you jerk!" You yelled, wondering where Jackson threw your shorts last night.

But Jackson only groaned in response as he pulled you closer to him. "Stop screaming, Y/n. I've heard enough of your screams last night."

Really? He can say those shit at a time like this? D.amn, he's unbelievable!

You simply pulled yourself away from Jackson and threw his boxers unto his face you just found lying on the floor.

"What are you doing love? It's four in the morning, get back to bed."

"It's like eight in the morning and by the way, stop mentioning the L word. It's disgusting," You scoffed hastily, letting the heavy air out of your lungs.

"That's why I make love to you Y/n because you have my other heart." Jackson responded and you bet it's a cringed-worthy line.

"You're gross. Wake up or we're gonna be late for school." You retorted, pulling his blanket away from his body.

Jackson rubbed his eyes groggily and sighed, "Do you normally wake people up, stealing their blankets and just ignored their naked bodies? And who cares about school anyway?"

You rolled your eyes at him, grabbing your shirt and put it on. But before you could even tuck your shirt down suddenly,

"Hey, Jackson!" Someone busted through the door. He quickly averted his gaze on you and turned his back, covering his eyes when he saw you putting your clothes on. "Sorry, I didn't know someone was here."

"It's fine, I was about to leave anyway." You searched for your bag and fixed yourself before going. You didn't want to look odd and let the whole world know you just got yourself out from a mess last night with some guy in his room.

"So, did you uhㅡ just spent your whole night with this guy?" He questioned you and stood awkwardly at the doorway, embarrassed why those words accidentally came out from his mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy."

"N-no, I don't really mind. Jackson and I got drunk last night. That's how we ended up screaming the whole night." You replied, casually. "It happens all the time. You know, some couple stuff to do." You breath, deeply and it reminded you of something. "I mean, we were once a couple, honestly before. So don't get the wrong idea, Mr.?"

"I-it's Jaebum." He responded, looking shyly at you. And you know how much it pisses you off why he had to make such priceless expression. Sworn you didn't want to be that witch that could've tainted his chasteness.

"Right, Jaebum. I'll be sure to remember that name." You fake a smile, thinking you didn't want to get yourself attached to him. "So, I'll see you around. Bambam's probably waiting for me and I'm sure we will see each other again." You walked past through him, leaving Jaebum staring at the back. "You're too innocent, Jaebum. Piece of advise, you shouldn't hang around with girls like me or,

you'll regret."

。。。⚜ 。。。

You dated Jackson for awhile. You love him, he loves you and you thought it was enough to keep your relationship. But you felt something was missing, somewhere deep inside you. Wishing someone would have fill in that d.amn opening in your beating organ, your heart, your loneliness.

"Life is so undeniably cruel." You murmured, resting your head on Bambam's thigh. "Probably, I can never get myself a man and stay with me forever."

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