Mark - Fall In Love With You

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Requested by InfiniteL17

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"The moment he would land a foot on this school. Best word to describe? It's chaos. A metaphor like magnet, pulling girls to his body. And you're not an exaggerating one but unfortunately, he's on high demand, a lady-killer perhaps.

Everyday, you only heard girls screaming and shrieking along the halls.It was d.amn annoying. What can you say? Girls, girls, girlsー?

But things turned out to be the least you'd be expecting.

At this moment, it was you who stood in-front of him. The Mark Tuan you knew who was the Kingka of the school. His look, his style, his swagger and everything about him was perfect. You thought you were far from imagining things but this time, you weren't.

You clearly heard him well, saying that he loves you.

"I know this is too sudden and I'm not asking you to give me an answer right away." Mark paused and he was in a deep thought. "I'll give you more time to think. I am more than willing to wait." He added, holding onto the slightest hope.

Well, he wasn't that bad. In fact, hundreds of girls are dying over him but you were far different from others. You never seek nor crave for an attention. Not even once in your whole life. So you thought of the best defense mechanism and it was playing safe for Pete's sake.

"Mark, I really do appreciate it. You're a nice person, an attractive one and adore by most." You commented, averting his gaze on you but you exactly wasn't sure why. "And I'm sorry. I just don't feel the same way. I hope you'll understand."

You wanted to apologize but you knew you can't keep on apologizing for something you never had the full control of the situation.

Love? First love? True love? You don't have them because you believe it was purely an illusory.

Love or what not are all rubbish. What you mean was, men are all the same. There's no need to have useless thoughts about love. If there is such a thing. How much is it worth?


"You're such an attention-whore, do you know that?" The girl with some flashy make-up on commented at you.

"You don't even have the right to go near him." The other girl said as she slightly pushed your shoulder. "You are so out of his league, b.itch!"

"And so? What's the point of telling me this, huh? Would that gain you some attention from Mark?" You countered as you slowly raised your brows. "Ahー I guess, Mark isn't the type to fall for a girl well, rather girls with that same attitude of yours. Or should I gave you all some advice?"

Suddenly, you felt a sharp vibration of pain across your face. "I suggest, you should stay away from Mark. I'm warning you or elseㅡ"

"Or else what? Nice try mate." A triumphant grin impishly spread across your face. "It's pretty awful but that wasn't purely a fantasy. You could've done better than that." You dismissed as you whirled on your shoe and marched away without even looking back to see them watch you leave.


"Hey, you alright?" Suga, your guy best friend came to question you.

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