One More Playful Kiss

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  My heart pounded, I like Dave? Holy fuck I like Dave!?

Wait, this can't be like! T-this is to strong of a feeling...

  My cheeks burned, shivers running up my spine "(y/n)? Yo.. (Y/n) you alright?" I looked up at Dave and he had a concerned expression. Then the heart brake hit me... He previously mentioned he liked someone... It couldn't be me... Could it?

  No, he seems to act this way around everyone.. "Yeah... Can you drive me home?" He seemed to become a little more concerned, but nodded "sure thing. Here let me tell my bro we're leaving."

  I nodded, feeling I bit bad. Maybe Dave was having fun and I ruined it by wanting to go home.

  "(Y/n)? Are you ok dear?" I jumped at the sound of Kanaya's soft voice "you seem upset." I saw Dave and Dirk nodding, the girl before rolling her eyes and telling something to Dave, making Dirk nod in agrement. They talked for a bit, then Dave turned to walk back "I'll text you what's going on." She looked at Dave and nodded "alright."

  Dave came back quickly, and took my hand "come on." My cheeks burned lightly and I waved Kanaya goodbye.

  Dave's cheeks were a light pink as he opened the door for me.

  I thanked him and entered "no problem~" he smirked, the blush never leaving his cheeks. Was he trying to play it cool?

~~ Time Skip ~~

  Dave walked me to my apartment, but stopped me before I could enter "(y/n)? What's wrong? You've been quiet. And if you say nothing, I as a great cool kid will rummage through your house to see what's up."

  I sighed, knowing he would actually do it "ok, well... You se-see.. I just found out.. That, I might.. Love... some one..." Dave's jaw clenched and unclenched "oh?" I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest.

  Dave stayed silent for a while before speaking "name?"

  Oh gog... I'm gonna anime this shit. I'm gonna tell him it's him, kiss him then slam my door like a pussy.

  Ok, ready? go!

  "I-it's you.." I slammed my lips against his, then pulled away before he could react then slammed my door, locking it.

  My lips tingled and my heart pounded.

  I can't believe I did that...

  ~~Dave's P.O.V~~

  My eyes were wide and my heart was pounding "m- hey! (Y/N)! open Up! Come on!"

==To Be Continued==

Playful Kisses   Dave x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now