Trust Me.

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My eyes burned, how stupid... I'm crying over a guy.. one I should have known I never had a chance with!

My heart ached, as I walked into an empty classroom, it was the old art room. No one ever enters though.

There was loud foot steps getting closer and closer. I remained silent, wiping the tears from my eyes.

My heart speed up when the footsteps stopped and the door slid open, huffs and puffs were heard before a voice was heard, it was Dave's "(Y/n)?.. babe?.." My heart ached.

"Please let me explain." My legs felt weak so I called out to him, with a cracked voice. "I'm over here.."

Suddenly, Dave was in front of me he crouched down and cupped my cheek, gently rubbing it with the pad of his thumb "this is stupid, I hate tz with all my being."

I looked up at him and moved away from his touch, Dave frowned "(y/n), I honestly love you, if I didn't I wouldn't have come after you." He's right....

He pulled me close to him but I put a hand on his chest and pulled away.

His lip twitched, his fingertips gently pulling back a few lose strands of hair out of my face, Dave swallowed thickly "why would you think I would cheat on you? Better yet, why with Terezi?"

He questioned, leaning down towards my neck, his warm breath tickling it as he pressed soft kisses on the skin.

I shivered at the sensation, soon clearing my throat "I-I just, Dave, your really attractive, and it just seems your messing with me cause im-" "stunning? Devine? Rare? Precious? Beautiful? Different? Special?" I blushed and jumped slightly, as he gently bit the skin.

"Dave.." he licked the spot he bit "I'm listening." "Mmm, i-its just... ah- you and tz had a thing, and as I mentioned before you really atractive, I thought for a minute that you never loved me, and that I was just something you can toy with."

Dave huffed, then suddenly I was laying on my back and he was hovering over me "never loved you? Just a toy? Listen Babe, you are no fucking toy, and first the love part? I can prove it right here right now." He slipped of his shades.

Dave's red eyes were intense and clouded with.. lust? But love also swirled in, mixing with the color of red.


He leand down, his blond hair tickling my left cheek as he nipped my ear gently, whispering a few "I love you"s

Playful Kisses   Dave x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now