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"Hey, let go of me!", Elise gripes but my grip doesn't loosen until we are outside. I shut the door behind us, and then let go of Elise's wrist.

" OK, hear me out for a second.  We have a couple of tiny issues." I began.  "like what? that we are now harboring not one, but two, test subjects?!" Elise said, with much sarcasm evident in her tone. Elise had always been like this, well, at least as long as I knew her. She always got way too worried and sweated the small stuff. Then again, maybe that's why I kept her around, as a way to make all my ideas way better and a bit more realistic.

"That isn't an issue, that was the goal. At least we got both of them out safely. Now our problems are; one, where to let them live-"

"What's wrong with them staying here?" Elise interrupted. I hate it when I'm interrupted.

"We can't have them live here, it's way too close to the lab. Now as I was saying, our second issue is that they have no clue what our current culture is like. So we need to acclimate them to what it's like out there. And last-" Once more, Elise interrupted me.
"How are we supposed to get them used to society again when they truly were never a part of it?"
At this point, I dig into my bag. Yes, I have a bag that I carry everywhere with me. It's contents include 2 days worth of anything, including food, water, meds, clothes, anything. Out of the bag I pull the book I was working on finishing. Even though most information about the love drug is kept from the public, it's not unheard of for people to have books about various other topics.
"With this", I told Elise. "Because the greatest information can come from one's mind"
"Kelsi, you sound like a philosopher again." Elise points out. She knows me enough to know that I can get kinda confusing at times. I can't help it sometimes if I sound a bit smarter than I act.
"But you get my point?"
"Yea, so what about that last problem"
"That," I began, "the final problem is how to make them unrecognized by the people around them. Right now, the look like pitiful orphans, we need to get both subjects up on their feet and change around a little info to find their 'designated partners'."
Elise looked at me like I was completely bonkers. "And how are we supposed to find their partners?!"
"We can cross that bridge when we get to it" and that's the truth. Honestly, I have bigger things on my plate than finding Kiara and Diana's partners. At this point, I went to open the door to the cabin because the sounds of previous movements had all but slowed. I reached for the knob to the door.
"-art acting suspicious we run, ok?" I could tell that was Kiara. Her voice is unmistakable, and I know that Diana might not be as big of a talker as Kiara.
A few seconds later, I heard through the door, a practically silent "ok." Which had to belong to Diana. Elise was waiting behind me to open the door. "What's taking so long?"
Her voice went over whatever Kiara said next. I gave her a glare and opened the door.
"What's this about running?" I say as soon as I open the door. Walking in, I start ranting.
"After Elise and I very well risk our lives for you both, you still don't trust us?!"
That's good, I wouldn't have trusted us either. That thought popped into my head, but I quickly dismissed it.
Diana and Kiara exchanged a quick glance. Then they turned back at us.
"Well, should we have any other reason to trust you?" Kiara said. I can understand that they've been betrayed before, but it still hurts a little when Kiara bluntly says something like that.
This time, Elise spoke "yea, you don't need another reason. We broke you both out of a high-security government agency where you've been for most of your lives! And would've lived out the rest of your days."
At this point, I felt like I had to say something in my general defense.  "Kiara, what do you think would happen if one day you weren't resistant to the drug? Or what would happen to you, Diana, if your streak broke?"
"Wouldn't they just let us go?" Kiara spoke, and Diana nodded in agreement.
I shook my head solemnly. "No no. They would have killed you both. I've seen it before. They think that if we set the test subjects free, then they'll tell everyone about the experiments, not like anyone will believe them. So, to keep quiet, they'd kill you. End of story, and even though I wasn't able to save all the people in that building, we saved you. And you repay is by planning on running?"
Right now, Kiara and Diana are both looking at the ground, still processing the information they just recieved.
"But let's focus on the future, ok? You both are somewhat safer now, and me and Elise will keep you both safe, right Elise?"
Elise falters for a second, then nods.
"So, trust us and we'll trust you? Does that sound ok?"
Kiara and Diana look at each other again. In my opinion, even if they say no, they're stuck with us. Hell, I'd gone through enough trouble getting them out of that hellhole, the least they can do is trust me and Elise.
Kiara and Diana turn back to us. "Ok, I'll trust you." Diana spoke. And let me tell you, that girls voice was like angels singing. That just made me madder at the scientists at the lab for kidnapping someone like Diana.
Kiara spoke second "yea, ok. I'll trust you guys." One thing I learned right then and there, Kiara is a terrible liar. But that lie was enough to convince me at that moment.
"Ok, so let's get to work"

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