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I stood dumfounded as Elise walked away. Dumbfounded was a word I just recently added to my vocabulary, and I took a particular liking to it. I brushed my long, white hair out of my face, and searched around for wherever Adam stalked off to.

I searched for a good ten minutes or so, and finally found him in the shooting range, firing two pistols rigorously. He was simultaneously shooting at two different targets, and I stood in awe for a couple seconds, just watching him. His movements were so smooth and gracefully, and every bullet hit its mark in the center of the targets. He paused as he ran out of bullets, and stood there, arms up, panting. I chose this moment to carefully approach him.

"Hi, Adam," I found myself at a lost of words as he turned to face me, my heart fluttering in my chest.

"Oh, hey Diana. What's up?" He placed the pistols back where he found them, and raked a hand through his hair.

I glanced up at the ceiling, "Um? The ceiling is up is guess..."

Adam suddenly bursted out laughing, and I tilted my head in confusion.

"What? What's so funny?"

Adam managed to get an answer around him laughing after a minute, "You! You're hilarious!" He finally calmed down and wiped his eye dramatically. "Thanks Diana, I needed that."

"I'm so confused. Why did you start laughing?"

"Okay, so 'what's up' is simply an expression. It's like saying 'how's it going', or 'what's going on', but in a more casual way."

I thought this through for a second, and then smiled. "Oh, I get it! Wow, how silly of me." I giggled slightly, then looked at him. "Okay, so to answer your question, I was just looking for you."

"Looking for me? Do you need something?"

I swallowed, unable to form the words and push them past my lips. I wasn't sure why, but I was unbelievably nervous. My heart was racing in my chest, and I subconsciously shifted several times from foot to foot. "Um....well....the thing is...." I stuttered to a stop, not sure what to do.

Adam looked at me, confused. "What is it? Is something wrong, Diana?"

I felt my face begin heating up, and I found it difficult to look at Adam directly. "Well...um, Elise was talking to me, and she suggested I ask you for some help..."

"Some help? Sure, what do you need?"

I struggled between my many opposing feelings, and finally grasped my remaining courage, raising my eyes to his face. "C-can you teach me how to kiss?"

Adam's eyes flew wide open, and his face began turning several shades of ruby as he spun around. He grabbed the pistols he placed down earlier, and began to needlessly polish them. "W-why are you asking me this, Diana?"

I tilted my head slightly, confused by his reaction. "Well...Elise said you could help me learn. After all, everyone's doing it, and I want to too."

He stilled for a moment, and finally turned to face me, face showing his emotions were conflicted. He opened his mouth to say something when someone ran into the shooting range.

"Adam, sir! I've come to inform you that we will be leaving soon, and Rachael advises you ready your squad."

Adam turned his attention to the solider and nodded. "All right. Thank you, I'll be there in a minute."

The soldier nodded, saluted, and then walked out. Adam turned to me, looking kind of relieved, and smiled. "I guess we need to get going."

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