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"Hello, my fellow members of the Resistance. My name is Elise Snow. I want you all to know that..."

"...the Resistance prevails."

There was a moment of complete silence as everyone listened to this message. I recognized it immediately, and quickly pressed my ear piece.

"All right everyone, listen up! Change of plans! Max, I want you to track the last signal sent out from Elise's com system, and relay it's coordinates, post haste! As for the rest of you, stand by until the coordinates are received!"

A collective "Yes, sir!" sounded, and then there was silence. A few minutes went by, and my troops were getting restless. Diana seemed to have caught on to the mood, and was cowering behind me. Finally, my ear piece crackled, and Max's voice filtered through.

"48.77, 126.37"

I took a moment and typed the coordinates into the special watch Max had recently created, showing a spot near the center of the building.

"All right. Squad leaders, you were given a special watch from Max, so type the coordinates in and head for the center!"

Diana looked up at me,her violet eyes filled with worry. "What's going on? Has something happened to Elise?"

"I'm not sure, but I sure as hell plan to find out."


We arrived at about the same time as the other teams, arriving in a completely empty room. I heard Rachael's voice inquire quickly through my ear piece.

"Well, Adam? What's happening?"

I glanced around quickly. "Nothing, it's all clear, but Elise and the others are gone."

Diana was looking around, and suddenly stooped towards the ground. "Hang on Adam, there's something here." She walked over to me, carrying something in her hands. She held it up to me, and I grabbed it, glancing at it, before showing the others.

"A paper snowflake. Anyone know the meaning of this?" I held it up to show them. There was silence, then a scream of anger, and Kelsi lunged out of the crowd.

"Damnit! I'll kill her! I'll kill that bitch!" She shrieked in anger I didn't expect.

"Woah, Kelsi! Calm down! Do you know what this is?"

"Of course I do! It's President Hale's symbol!" She growled, taking it and ripping it to shreds.

"Kelsi, you need to calm down-"

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down when my best friend is in the hands of a psychopath?!" She lunged forward, grabbing my shirt collar in anger.

I sighed, realizing she was not going to calm down any time soon, and I hit the pressure point on her neck, causing her to pass out. "Chris, can you take care of her?"

A tall soldier with red hair and amber eyes walked over. Christopher Kines was one of my best and most trustworthy soldiers, and right now, Kelsi's safety was another one of my priorities.

"Of course, sir." Chris picked her up and held her bridal style, supporting her head on his chest.

I turned to look at everyone gathered together, all of them uneasy or worried. "All right, continue with your missions. If you run into any members from Elise's squad, take them into custody and make sure they're kept safe. We'll see if they saw anything when we return to base. Let's get moving."

After my speech, everyone turned and headed out, heading in their separate directions. I started walking, when a smaller hand grabbed mine, and a soft voice rang out.

"Adam..? Do you think...they're all right?"

I looked over at her, taking in her violet eyes stained with worry, tears welling up along the sides. I tightened my hand around her, and smiled calmly at her. "Don't worry, Diana. I'll find them, and make sure to save them, so don't cry." I raised my hand to her face, and gently wiped the tears from each of her eyes.

Diana smiled brightly. "I believe in you, Adam!"

I smiled at her, then turned and started walking, hand in hand with Diana.

She's so innocent....I want to protect her. But, it goes deeper than that. I want to make her smile, and laugh. I want to be there to comfort her, protect her, cherish her. Is this love? Am I in love with Diana?

I shook my head, snapping myself out of my thoughts. I couldn't bear to be distracted, not when all my troops were counting on me to lead them.

We searched each room, unsure where the computers were. If this was the small hideout we recently infiltrated, this would be a piece of cake. However, this facility was larger, and more complex. It was also, unusually empty.

I finally found the main computer room, and headed inside after setting a couple of my troops up as lookouts. "Found the computers, I'll check if the coordinates are on them. Everyone else, keep searching. They might be stored elsewhere." I removed my hand from my earpiece, and pulled my other one out of Diana's grasp, and placed them on the keyboard.

I typed quickly, hoping to find the coordinates quickly, when as expected, up came the firewall. "Shit. Diana, hand me the bug."

Diana walked over and handed the small virus-carrying drive, which I plugged into the system. I waited for the virus, watched it destroy the firewall.

"Almost there..."

I tapped the desk impatiently as the remaining information loaded. "Okay, I've got it! Sector 50 will be bombed at 0800 tomorrow, from the coordinates of 47.56, 161.8."

Rachael's voice quickly came on not even a minute after. "Great work Adam. All right, everyone return to base, immediately!"

Diana's hand shot up to her earpiece. "What about Elise!" She cried out.

"Diana, you, as well as everyone else, are to return to base. We'll figure out what to do about Elise's case later."


I placed my hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry Diana. We will rescue Elise. You have my word."

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