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"Elise is still alive."

Those have to be some of the best words I've ever heard in my life. They seemingly echoed in my head, repeating themselves over and over. I heard Kiara sigh out of relief and saw a smile play on Diane's lips. Wanting to get to the point, a slew of questions seemingly couldn't help but voice themselves.

"So where is she? Is she back here, in the hospital wing?", yep, that was all me. Now I sounded like Blake. The same Blake who was now off the tranquilizers but still in the psychiatric ward because he had, and I quote, "dependence issues". Honestly, I figured the doctor should've just let the poor man be, but that's not my department.

"Not here, I wanted to send troops to the area to pick her up but she refused the offer."

Now, see, this is when I get a little ticked off. I understand that Elise is very capable of solving her own problems, but she never gives up. She's the kind of person you see report into work while sick. I don't even want to imagine the kind of pain she must be in, she did get an organ removed after all. But nevertheless she still sticks to her pride. I can see her now, not helpless at all, no, more hunched over in pain as she was trying to literally walk back to the base. Now that's an image that can set me over the edge any day of the week. Even with all her training, she was still trying to do it on her own.

I look over at Kiara and Diana, and they both seem to understand the gravity of the situation along with me. I'm practically sure both of those two understood how it felt to be used by the GKE and have diminished strength due to it. Me on the other hand, the only bodily pain I had to suffer through was my brain being messed around with, but no big deal. Then again, there was Paul, but I doubt some people would be physically pained by hearing the same cheerful songs every stinking day.

"Are you going to honor the deal?" Kiara asked, and it was a good question in my opinion. As I was turning my head over to Adam, I thought I saw a little flicker of something in Diana's eyes, my guess is it's something along the lines of curiosity.

"Of course, Elise is one of us. If she says she doesn't need assistance, then I'm not going to send in unnecessary personnel." Adam responded. That, in my opinion, might've caused a reaction for Diana, but I wouldn't really know, probably her adoration for him just grew.


Once we split from that meeting, I had a very very great idea.

"Why don't we just help Elise ourselves?" I simply just stated, you know, thinking aloud here.

Diana and Kiara spun their heads in my direction. I'm assuming they both just hadn't considered these things on their own, either that or they simply hadn't voiced it.

"But didn't Adam say Elise didn't want help?" Diana said. Which was, in her defense, most likely what Elise said.

"Well, yes, but the thing about Elise is-"

"No, we aren't going to go rescue her ourselves." Kiara interrupted me mid-sentence. Which I probably shouldn't overreact to it, should I?

"and why not?" I'd say I've kept a good handle on my emotions these past couple of days around the base without Elise. But at this point, I was near ready to take on an entire group of GKE fighters in order to get Elise back.

This time, Diana voiced her opinion, "Because Adam told us no."

Yep, I just adore being under the thumb of someone else. Even though I know Diana is right, it doesn't make me want to go against orders any less.

"It also wouldn't be a good idea to go just on our own, the GKE is searching for us." Kiara also pointed out.

I really am liking that I brought this idea up now. I have to stifle myself not to roll my eyes, but I come to terms with my friends' arguments.

"Yea, you both are right." I said, and that seemed to satisfy the two of them. Doesn't mean I'm not going to try to help her out in my own way though....


It was the dead of night when I got out of the base. Yes, Yes, I know sneaking out is a big no-no, especially when there's a horrifying dictatorship involved, and a rebel group. But, I had to get out of there, not permanently, more temporarily so I didn't have anyone glancing over my shoulder. My sole reasoning was to do what Elise had hoped I would've done while she was away. Also, I'm pretty much the only one who can do this, seeing as the GKE only assumes me missing at most.

I walk, and walk, and walk some more until I reach the beginnings of the city that I know I used to live. I walk down the street where Paul and I used to live, find the window of our little apartment has been bashed out, as well as many other windows in the same building look like ours. I smile to myself, because it's always nice to see the effect one person can have on others, am I right?

I walk all the way back to this old, abandoned mansion. Now, this thing has practically fallen to the ground, and the reason the GKE still keeps this place instead of demoing it is beyond me, however, this particular mansion I have visited time and time again. I walk through the rusting, old metal gates, and open the door to a seemingly empty mansion. I walk through the building, as comfortable in it as though it was my own home. I walk into the kitchen, stepping over various pieces of furniture that have been left to the elements for far too long, and walk into an absolutely ginormous (what I assume to be) pantry. Closing the rotted door to the pantry behind me, I feel around for a light switch.

After a good minute or so, I find it. I hold the switch for a couple seconds longer than typical people hold a light switch, and hear a god awful creaking sound. I know exactly where this creaking sound leads, and exactly how to get there, because I've been here before on the days when I just couldn't take Paul's enthusiasm. I walk to the creaking noise, to the flight of descending stairs, and climb down.

While walking, I begin to see the stairs illuminating, meaning I'm getting closer to what I came all this way for. I put my foot down on the solid stone floors and look around. Beside me are journals filled with codes, and notes, and every piece of information I have learned about the GKE since falling out of love.

Opening the first book, as well as my laptop and scanner, I begin scanning every piece of info I get, gotten and ever received.

This is going to take a while. I simply thought as I watched the first scan record itself onto my laptop, which I simply borrowed from the resistance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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