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"So let me get this straight. Everyone is assigned a partner that they have to be with?" Kiara asked.

I nodded. 

"So who's your partner?" Diana asked.

I gulped. I turned to Kelsi for help, but she was already walking ahead of us. 

We were leaving the cabin and trying to get Kiara and Diana somewhere safer. Somewhere more far away from the lab. 

"Um, my boyfriend's name is Cole."

"Your government assigned one?" Diana pressed.

"Um, yeah. But I don't love him. I'm in love with someone else. His name is Blake."

Diana looked puzzled. "What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That word." 



It soon occurred to me that Diana had been imprisoned her whole life, so the concept of love wasn't understood. 

"Love is..." I couldn't put it into words.

Kelsi then turned around, clearly interested in hearing my answer.

"Love is something that you feel for someone else." I said simply.


I shook my head. "More powerful than that." 

Kelsi chimed in. "Love is a feeling that the GKE has forced upon us in a way that was once natural and now is not. That's why you were captured. In order to create that natural feeling again. If it wasn't for the new drugs they produce then the feeling wouldn't exist at all."

And with that, she spun back around and kept walking.

Kelsi was right. The GKE strived to give something back to the people, but in order to do so, they were also taking something away.

They were taking their freedom. 

"That makes no sense." Kiara said. "If they're trying to produce a love drug then why assign partners? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?"

"Right now, they're trying to see if the new drugs they're producing will have an effect." I said. 

"Everyone's treating their partners more like friends than partners." Kelsi added. "Once that happens, hopefully the GKE will stop their practices."

"And if they don't?" Diana asked. 

Before I could say anything, my phone rang.

"It's Cole." I said.

"Don't answer it." Kelsi urged me.

"I have to. You know that I can only decline so many." 

Kelsi's face was grim as I answered. "Hello?" 

"Elise? Listen, the Chancellor is here."

Oh no.

"At our house?"

"Yes. He and Madam President are requesting you."

"Oh." My heart lurched. The Chancellor of the Redwood Sciences and the President of Redwood wanted to see me. I was a goner.

"I'll be right there." Then I hung up.

I turned to Kelsi, Kiara, and Diana, who were all staring at me attentively. "I have to go."

"Elise, you can't. You said you'd help." Kelsi said.

I glared at her. "Blackmail me then. The Chancellor and the President are at my house right now. If I don't go there then they'll suspect everything. I need to throw them off."

Kelsi hesitated. "Fine. You know where to find me when the coast is clear."

And with that, I ran.


I opened the door to my house, and in the living room seated on the coach was Cole, Chancellor Biggs, and President Hale. 

"Chancellor." I greeted. "Madam President."

They both stood to shake my hand. 

"Elise, it's nice to see you." Chancellor Biggs said.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked, making my way to the kitchen.

President Hale waved her hand to stop me. "No need for that, dear. Cole has already politely attended to us. Let's get down to business."

Cole gave me a look and disappeared into the bedroom.

I sat down properly, trying to appear as if nothing was wrong.

"So," I began cooly. "what's this all about?"

"As I'm sure you know, Subjects 021 and 022 escaped from the lab earlier this evening." said Chancellor Biggs. 

I nodded. "Yes, I was informed of that."

"I believe that someone working at the lab assisted them." President Hale got right to the chase.

My heart pounded so loud I was afraid they could hear it.


"Elise, I think you know what we're asking you." President Hale warningly. 

I straightened up. "Madam President I can assure you, I have no knowledge of the events that occurred this evening."

President Hale didn't look convinced. "Cole has told us that you have been declining his calls lately. Even exceeding the allowed amount." 

"I've been trying to spend all of my time into my work recently." I said. That wasn't entirely a lie. 

"I find that quite hard to believe." Chancellor Biggs said. 

"Chancellor, as you know, the recent drugs that the lab has been producing have been more strong than anything we've ever tried to produce. It's a miracle that D--I mean, Subjects 021 and 022 have been immune for so long."

Chancellor Biggs leaned forward, narrowing his eyes. "What are you getting at, Elise?"

I ran a hand through my braid. "I just mean that I've wanted to spend all of my time trying to break the streak. It's everyone's goal at the lab, isn't it?" 

Chancellor Biggs and President Hale exchanged a look.

"Where were you tonight, Elise?" President Hale asked. 

"Well, I left the lab around 5, and I went to the coffee shop in the square."

"Were you with anyone?"

"No, Madam." 

I was lying right through my teeth, and it was amazing that they had believed me thus far.

Chancellor Biggs spoke. "The guards went to check on the Subjects at 5:30. Are you sure you didn't see anything? Or perhaps anyone that appeared suspicious?" 

I shook my head. "No, Chancellor."

They exchanged another look. 

President Hale sighed. "Well, we are questioning everyone who works at the lab and surely will update you on any progress of this situation. Please, if you have any information, let us know immediately."

I nodded. "Of course, Madam." I showed them to the door. 

President Hale turned to me before leaving and stared deeply into my eyes. "Thank you for your honesty." 

Then she left.

I let out a deep breath. They didn't suspect anything, did they? 

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