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Adam turned and looked back at the six of us, standing at the tunnel's entrance.

"All right, let's go over this one more time to make sure we're all in sync. Diana and I will scout ahead of the group, and we'll send a signal to the infiltration squad when needed. Until then, Kiara, Mason, and Elise will stay put at the meeting place. Kelsi and Blake will be stationed at a nearby café, ready to hack into the system upon command. It's imperative that you hack and then get out of there are fast as you can. I don't want the GKE tracking the signal and find you guys still in the café. Everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded at once, not smiling, simply solemn and ready. Anger over what the GKE did to our comrades matched intensities with the nervousness everyone was feeling.

Adam smiled slightly, looking pleased for a second, then turned serious again.

"All right, good. Now then, here's everyone's coms." He handed out small pieces with a small microphone on the end to everyone.

I looked at the small piece in confusion. "Coms?"

Elise looked at me, "Its short for communication devices. It'll allow us to talk to everyone, even when we're far away."

"Oh." I responded, glancing around, trying to figure out what to do.

"Here, let me help you."

I looked over as Adam took the com from my hand.

"Hold still."

I tried my best not to move as he gently placed the com in my ear, adjusting it so the microphone piece was level with my mouth.

"There, how's that?"

"Ah...t-thanks...." I muttered, looking away.

What are these feelings, I wondered.

I felt a strange warmth in my cheeks, and placed my hands to either side. I glanced back up to see Adam had already moved away, and let out a sigh of relief. I faced front again, catching a smirk on Elise's face. I opened my mouth to ask her what was up, but she turned away before I could.

Rachael walked towards us, and everyone quickly fell silent. "We will do our best to help from the sidelines as well. For all of you going in, good luck."

As if on cue, Adam walked to the front of the group and raised his hand.

"Okay, let's get moving!"

He turned and began heading out from the rebel's base.

Everyone began to move, and I quickly snapped out of my trance to keep pace with the others.

When we reached the surface, we headed to the edge of the woods, then split off. Kelsi and Blake headed towards the city, while the rest of us headed to the cave we originally hid in.

"Okay, you three stay here until we give the signal, and update you on the situation. We'll all meet here when the job is done."

The infiltration team nodded, then disappeared into the cave to wait. Meanwhile, Adam and I continued to scout the hideout together.

We managed to find the hideout, thanks to our previous intel, and crouched outside.

Adam tapped his ear and whispered into his com, "Kelsi, Blake. Have you made it successfully?"

I jumped slightly as I heard Kelsi's voice appear in my ear.

"Affirmative, captain."

"Do you really need to act so weird?"

"Shut up, Blake. You're ruining my moment."

Adam simply shook his head. "All right. We'll let you know when we've dropped the bug."

He motioned to me, and we both snuck inside. We stuck to the shadows, because even though we had weapons on us for emergency use, we both preferred to make it inside undetected.

It took us a few minutes, but we managed to find the room. Adam motioned for me to crouch down outside, while he peeked in.

"Okay, the room is towards the back of the hideout. There's two guards at the very entrance, but they're talking amongst themselves, so we got in without any trouble at all. The hallway before the room also has two guards, patrolling the hallway. Past that, is the door to the computer room. I don't know how many guards are in there, as its impossible for us to get past the hallway guards."

Mason's voice sounded through. "Got it, we're heading in now."

Several minutes later, we heard footsteps, and looked up to see Elise, Kiara, and Mason walking towards us. We stood up and walked over to them.

"You ready?"

Mason smirked, "Let's knock 'em out."

They walked into the hallway, and the three of them took the guards out before they could raise any sign of alarm. The five of us headed into the room, where there were three guards sitting at a table, and two at the computers. Adam headed to the computers, and knocked the guys out with one hit. The other three went after the guards, while I joined Adam. Mason and Elise quickly dispatched their opponents, while Kiara was taking on a guy twice her size. Suddenly, he slumped over and collapsed, revealing Mason standing behind him, hand out.

Kiara glared at him furiously. "What the hell Mason! I had him!"

Mason blinked at her. "Sure you did, I was just helping you out."

"Quit always butting into my fights! I can handle myself!"

"All of you shut up!" Adam snapped. "That's enough bickering."

He turned towards the computer, and placed a small chip in the desktop, then clicked a few buttons. "All right, Kelsi, the bug is set."

A second later, the screen flashed, and documents begin flashing across the screen.

"I'm in."

With that, Adam removed the bug, and turned to the rest of us. "Let's go!"

We all ran out, heading back to the cave to wait for the others. Several minutes later, Kelsi arrived, Blake in tow.

"Okay, let's go. I can't wait to see our new broadcast on live T.V."

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