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I woke up feeling numb. 

I tried to move, I tried to use the skills the Resistance taught me but I couldn't escape.

I took in my surroundings. I was in a dark place, my legs and arms were tied down to the bed. 

My katana and earpiece were gone. 

I was wearing the same clothes I wore the day of the invasion. 

"Hello, Elise." I expected to hear the voice of President Hale, but I was wrong.


He stepped into the light. "I was going to wait a little longer, but decided I wouldn't give you that luxury."

I made the mistake of turning my eyes where I saw a table of various sharp, pointy objects.

I knew exactly what he was going to do to me.

He picked up a scalpel. "Here's how this is going to work. I'm going to ask you a question and you're going to answer it honestly, or something bad is going to happen to you. Understood?"

I just glare at him.

"So...what do you know about the Resistance?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

Biggs didn't even hesitate to stab me in the arm with the scalpel.

I screamed. "God! Fu--you prick!"

"I'm going to ask you again. What do you know about the Resistance?"

I scoffed. "Why do you even care? It's not like they're affecting your research."

He put down the scalpel. My blood dripped from it. 

"You don't know a thing, do you, Elise? Why do you think the GKE is so intent on taking down the Resistance? It's all about control. Even the great leaders of the GKE have specific people that they need to control more than others. It was coincidental that we captured you, and now that we have, all we have to do is wait."

"Wait for what?"

"The leaders of the Resistance wouldn't abandon one of their own. Especially when they find out who's holding you captive." 

Now I was really confused. "Why?"

"The red-head girl. We know who she is." 

"Rachael." I whispered. 

Biggs wagged his finger. "No, Elise. Rachael......Hale." 

"She's not---"

"The daughter of Madame President. That's right. And Adam? Mason?"


"Yes. My sons. My flesh and blood. It's time that the children left all of the politics to the grown-ups."

"You're wrong! This goes back further than you and them. This is my problem now and when my friends come---"

"How can you be so sure they'll come? The Resistance has so much more to worry about than some newbie who got caught. They're not going to risk everything to save you. Let me tell you something about kids, Elise. When it comes to confrontation, they'd rather avoid it at all costs."

"I sacrificed everything for them, they wouldn't betray me."

Biggs picked up the scalpel again. "That's enough of your chattering. I'm sending my sons a message."

He hovered the scalpel over my stomach. "Now...should I remove your appendix or your gallbladder? You don't need either of them."

I couldn't show my fear. I knew that. I refused to give Biggs the satisfaction of knowing how terrified I was.

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