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I sat in the planning room, rubbing my head. It was almost three o'clock, and I kept going back to what happened. The bombs that were set off. The bombs that I should've known were there.

20 people died today. Because of me.

"Don't beat yourself up about it."

I looked up. Kelsi stood in the doorway, looking at me sympathetically.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep. Was wandering around until I saw you were still in here," she replied.

I sighed.

"It's my fault, Kelsi."

"No, it's not. It's the GKE's fault. They're the ones who set the bombs. They're the ones responsible. And they're the ones who we're all trying to take down. So don't blame yourself," Kelsi said, consoling me.

She walked over and patted me on the back, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just that....I see you. I see the way you and Kiara look at each other, the way Adam and Diana look at each other. The way that Elise and Blake look at each other. I feel somewhat empty when I see you guys. I don't know what's wrong with me."

I looked at her. She avoided my gaze and looked at the floor, her face turning red.

"Listen. It's okay. You'll find someone," I told her. I stood and patted her arm awkwardly.

Suddenly, Blake appeared in the doorway. He looked at me and his calm face turned furious.


"Okay, Blake, calm down," I said. I walked over to where he was and held my hands out in a calm down fashion.

"We're going to the main GKE base, and we're going to find out where they're holding her. If we have to, we'll kidnap Hale and get her to tell us where she is. But I promise you, no one is just sitting on their asses. Finding Elise is our top priority, and you know that. So go back to your room and get some sleep. You haven't gotten any since she was captured. Trust me, I will find her. I promise you," I told him calmly.

He nodded, taking a few deep breaths while muttering "Okay....okay.....". He gave me an apologetic smile and walked away, wringing his hands the entire way that I could see him.

I turned and faced Kelsi.

"I'm gonna go see if Kiara's still awake. I want to talk to her before I go to sleep. You should get some sleep too. You won't be able to help anyone if you're running on fumes," I told her.

She nodded, and we both left the room.

I knocked on Kiara's door.


I heard something shattering, and I instantly became alert. I kicked open the door.

Kiara was sleeping on her bed, laying on her side. She was writhing in what obviously was pain, and was flailing her body. I saw broken shards of glass on the floor. She must've knocked it down accidentally.

I walked over to her bed.

"" she muttered quietly, so quietly that I had to lean in to hear her.

I was about to wake her up when she suddenly turned onto her back.

"NO!" she screamed. Tears were glistening on her face, and she was punching her bed.

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