Chapter 9

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Jezzy stood in front of her mirror, on Tuesday morning, trying to decide what to wear. There really wasn't much to work with, most of her wardrobe consisted of jeans and t-shirts. Finally she threw on a soft grey sweater and a pair of jeans. Instead of her usual ponytail, Jezz wore her hairdown, tumbling over her shoulders.

Today is a new day, she told herself as she gave one final look in the mirror. A new day, a new school and a new life.

Walking into school, Jezzy struggled to remember her new motto. The only problem with her plan was that she hadn't really given any thought to what that new life was going to look like. She knew she was stupid for listening to Hailey and her half-baked ideas.

Crossing the Commons she saw Kaitie, one of the girls from yesterday. Kaitie waved and bounded over, her cute smile revealing a hint of dimples on both cheeks. "Hey! Jezzy, right?" Jezzy nodded and Kaitie flashed a 100 watt smile at her. "So, you're new here," she said, though it was more of a statement than a question Jezzy nodded, again. "Do you plan on signing up for any extra-curriculars?"

This felt like a trap. "Um... I hadn't really thought about it yet. I work part time, so I'm not really sure how much time I'll have to spare." Jezz eyed her cautiously, "Did you have a particular one in mind?"

Kaitie's face lit up, "Yes! You should totally join the Student Council. It's great and we plan tons of activities for the student body. Plus, everyone in our group gets involved. It'll be great!"

Jezz smiled, "You said that already. But I'll think about it." Kaitie squealed and clapped her hands with joy.

"Yay! You'll love it, I promise. I gotta go, but I'll see you later, okay?" Kaitie was a little bundle of energy as she bounced off to talk to someone else, no doubt recruiting more students for her Student Council.

Jezz smiled as she walked to her locker. It was hard not to let that girls enthusiasm rub off on you. Jezzy thought of her little sister and how happy she always managed to be. But Jezzy always worked hard to make sure Annabel's life was as stable as possible. Jezzy wasn't just her big sister, she was basically her mother too. She missed Annabel fiercely, as only a mother could, or rather as a mother should.

The bell rang and Jezzy shoved what she didn't need into her locker and headed to her first class. Most of her classes were the same, but history went all year long, so it alternated with art, her only lighter subject this semester. Jezzy was grateful she didn't have to face Daniel, yet.

At lunch Jezzy sat with her new group of friends, she wasn't sure about falling in with the first group she met, but they seemed like a nice group and she even laughed at their jokes. "So what did you think of the art teacher?" Amanda asked. She and Amanda shared the same art class, it was the only one she had with anyone in the group.

"He seemed nice. I didn't expect him to be so young though. Do you know how old he is?" Amanda seemed disappointed with her response.

"Nice? He's like the hottest teacher in the school," Amanda explained like she was talking to a three year old. "He's in his 20's. I think, maybe 25? He could be 24. He was teaching here last year, but I didn't have him."

Jezzy shrugged, "I guess he's kind of cute." Kaitie giggled and Amanda scowled.

"Careful, you don't want to insult her boyfriend," Kaitie says, motioning to Amanda. "Telling her, that Mr. Wells is kinda cute, is like saying that guy in the wheelchair is kinda smart."

"He is not my boyfriend," Amanda grumbles.

"What guy? What wheekchair?" Nate says staring at Kaitie as if she suddenly grew a second head.

"You know, the really smart one. He talks weird," Kaitie replies. Now everyone at the table is staring at her, and her second head.

"Uh, are you talking about Stephen Hawking?" Jezz asks, bunching her eyebrows.

"Yeah, that guy!"

Everyone at the table groans and rolls their eyes. "Oh my god, Kaitie," Lisa laughs.

"Hey, at least she knows who Stephen Hawking is," Brett snorts. Still laughing when the bell rings, everyone grabs their stuff and dumps their garbage before heading to their next class.

Jezzy stops and looks around, something makes her turn and she sees Daniel looking over at her. He has a strange loom on his face. Nate gives her a nudge, "Hey, everything okay?"

Jezzy looks up at Nate and thinks for a second, "Yeah, I'm alright. It's nothing." Looking back over, she frowns and watches Mr. Cooper walks away.

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