Chapter 24

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The rest of the week continued on in the same way. After class or sometimes before, Daniel and Jezzy chatted the way friends do, always polite but keeping a proper distance as one would, if they were teacher and student. It was almost as if they feared what would happen if they got too close, like two magnets hovering just out of reach of the other, at any moment they could be pulled together by the magnet attraction.

"So, any plans for the weekend?" Jezzy had just finished gathering her things, when Daniel asked. It was only noon and he had already discarded his tie for the day, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms. He definitely looked like he was ready for the weekend to start.

"Umm, well I'm working Saturday and Sunday. And I have a history assignment that's due Monday." Jezz gave Daniel a smirk, "So... I guess I'll be working on that tonight. And whatever else I get for my afternoon classes."

"Well, if you're looking for special treatment..."

"I'm not." Jezzy blurted with more force than she intended. "I'm not complaining or anything." Jezzy shifted her bag around trying to displace her discomfort.

Daniel exhaled, his gaze no longer teasing. Pushing away from his desk, he stepped towards her. "Seriously though, if you need an extention from time to time, just ask. I'm not in the habit of giving marks that are not earned, but I'm willing to be flexible if you find yourself struggling."

Jezz nodded silently, as she tried to swallow the lump that had gotten caught in her throat. The sounds from the Commons drifted down the hallway, interrupting her thoughts. "I should go." Turning to leave, she paused and looked back at Daniel. "Thanks, you know for offering, I'll let you know if I need it."


Sure enough Jezzy had more homework, which meant that she wasn't really going to have much of a weekend, at all. Working late Friday night, she was just beginning to drift off when her phone buzzed. -How'd you do on your homework? DC-

Jezz smiled down at her phone. It was 10:30 and she was just packing it in for the night. -I'm done for tonight. My eyes won't focus anymore. I have my rough draft done for history and about half of my Psych homework done.- Jezz rubbed her eyes and waited to see if he would text back.

-I look forward to reading it. Don't let me keep you up if you're tired.-

-Not too tired. Just needed to do something else for a while.- Jezzy stretched on her bed where her homework had been a few minutes ago and waited for her teacher's reply. A minute passed and no text. Maybe he thought he should let her go to bed? A little disappointed, Jezzy reached over to her nightstand for the charging cable, when her phone buzzed to life. This time it wasn't a text. Daniel was calling her.

"Hello?" Jezzy answered, a definite, unspoken question hung in the air. Why was he calling?

When Daniel didn't answer right away, she thought maybe he had butt-dialed by accident. "Hey." One word, but it seemed like so much more. Like, 'I missed you, I missed the sound of your voice so much it hurts, but I'm better now. Hey.' Okay, so maybe Jezzy was more tired than she realized. She was clearly starting to lose her sanity.

"Hi," she whispered.

"You said your eyes were tired. I didn't want you to have to strain them texting me. Not when there is this amazing technology where you can talk to someone far away. If you close your eyes, you could almost believe they were in the same room as you." Jezz smiled as she heard the playfulness in his voice. And as she let her eyelids close, it became intimate. Daniel speaking lowly into her ear, as she murmured her responses.

She didn't even question why he wanted to talk, it was comfortable and casual, like true friends. She could hear what he was thinking through the tone of his voice. And the slower her responses were, the quieter his voice would become, as if he could sense her nearing sleep. But still they talked, or rather whispered.

Finally after a longer pause, Daniel spoke again. "You should sleep."

"I'm not tired."

"Liar. Yes you are. You were almost snoring. It's a bit of a blow to my ego." Jezzy chuckled picturing his wounded ego. "Besides, you have work tomorrow."

Jezzy growled, "Don't remind me." Glancing at the clock, she groaned again. "I don't have work tomorrow... I have to work today. It's after midnight already."

"Jeez, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep you up so late. Get some sleep." Jezzy nodded, then realizing he couldn't see her, used her voice.

"Ok. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Jezzy."

Jezzy smiled at the way he said her name, but didn't dwell on it long. Within seconds she was sleeping.

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