Chapter 29

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The sound of a dozen different melodies,  bells and laughter bombarded Jezzy and Annabel as they entered the dimmed arcade.  Jezzy's nose crinkled as she took in the scent of popcorn and candy.  While it wasn't Jezzy's ideal weekend activity, it was perfect for a dreary, chilly autumn afternoon.  Jezz bought a handful of tokens for each of them and circled the arcade looking for games. 

Annabel played wack-a-mole  with lethal force and clapped with glee as she earned ribbons of tickets.  "Jezzy!  Did you see all my tickets?" the seven year old asked, proudly displaying her loot.  Jezzy grinned down at her sister.  It was a good day, but she couldn't help occasionally glancing around for a familiar face.  Friday, Daniel had asked about her plans with Annabel and even hinted he may see them. 

"Let's go try that game." Annabel pointed at the air hockey table.  Jezzy paused to take in the attractive teacher standing near the air hockey table, two young boys on either side of him.  He came.  Jezzy had tried not to get her hopes up, but seeing him standing there sent her nerves in a flutter. 

Daniel and Jezzy walked towards each other, pausing a couple feet apart.  Smiling, Jezzy tucks her hands in her pockets, "You made it."

Daniel nods, "Yeah... I did."  Daniel's gaze lingered on Jezzy until he seems to recall his surroundings.   Clearing his throat,  Daniel  looks down at the two boys next to him,  "Um, these are my nephews, Matthew  and Tristan.  Boys these are my friends, Jezzy and Annabel."

"Mr. Cooper!" Annabel's face lit up as she recognized Daniel.  Jezzy's eyes widened as she watched her typically shy sister talk to Daniel as if he was an old friend.

Daniel lowers himself onto one knee, nodding as Annabel tells him some story about school.  "Why don't you call me Daniel, now that we're friends and all?  And then you can show me which are the best games."  Annabel smiles and agrees and the proceeds to grab his hand and drag him away, waving at the two boys to follow them.

A few  hours later and all her tokens gone, Jezzy collapses into a chair near the concession.  "Pleeease, Jezzy.  Just one more game."  Annabel tugs gently on her sister's sleeve but Jezzy doesn't budge.

"Aww honey, we've already spent all our tokens and Daniel even bought you more.  And I'm beat."  Jezzy pulls her sister into a side hug, tucking her under her one arm and squeezing Annabel into her side.

Daniel and the boys slide into the seats across the table from them.  Even though he looks as worn out as she feels, Jezzy also notices how relaxed he seems with his nephews and Annabel.  She found herself smiling at the contentment she was experiencing.  Catching his eyes, Daniel smiles too.

"What are you smiling about, Uncle Danny?" the youngest of the two boys asked.

"Nothing," Daniel shrugged, his eyes still on Jezzy,  "just having fun."  Looking down at his nephews, the youngest one starting to show signs of fatigue, despite the strong front, Daniel says it's time to be getting the boys back home to their mother.   "I promised your mom I'd have you back in time for supper and that I wouldn't fill you up with sugar."  Jezzy laughs at his very broken promise.  "Well, at least I can keep half of my promise, but only if we leave right now."

The kids groan, but get up to leave anyhow.  Just as everyone is getting their coats on, Daniel turns to Jezz.  "How are you two getting home?"

Jezzy shrugs, "The same way we got here.  We'll  catch the bus." 

Daniel shakes his head, "Come on, I'll give you a ride."  Seeing the look on Jezzy's face, he interrupts her before she can protest.  "It's  chilly out and Annabel already looks like she might fall asleep while standing."

"I'm not tired," Annabel pipes in, even as she yawns.  "But I am getting hungry.  Can we eat supper soon?"

Hating to be a burden, but knowing he was right, Annabel did look like she'd be sleep walking in a minute, and the sooner they got home the sooner they could eat, Jezzy conceded much to Daniel's delight.  "Fine, but you don't have to look so smug about it," she says playfully.

Once in the car, Daniel says, "I was sort of serious about getting them home soon.  Is it alright if I drop them off first?"  Jezzy nods and they soon pull up outside a cute little house and white picket fence.  "I'll just run them in and be right back."  Daniel said.  There was a hint of strain in his voice as he spoke. 

Walking the boys up to the door, he glanced back at the car.  The light was fading in the late autumn and it was difficult to make out the interior of the jeep from the house.   Turning back to the house he glanced up as the door opened.  "See I told you I have them back on time," he said.  Daniel gave her Cheshire grin that only made Christine roll her eyes.

"And loaded up with sugar, no doubt," Christine tosses back in return.  Christine pats the boys on the head as they rush past and into the house.  "You staying for supper tonight?"  She asks casually looking back at the Daniel's jeep.

Running his hand over the back of his neck, the way he often does when nervous, Daniel shakes his head.  "Thanks, but I have to make another stop."

"She's in the car isn't she?" Christine asks.

She could easily pass for psychic,  Daniel thought, or maybe she just knew him too well.  "It's not what you think, we saw them at the arcade and I didn't want her and her seven year old sister taking the bus.  It's already starting to get dark." 

Christine shrugged, "You don't have to explain yourself to me."  Looking out at the vehicle parked on the road, she can see a little face peaking out of the back window.  "I just hoping you know what you're doing. "

"Me too," Daniel sighs to himself as he turns and strolls back to the car.

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