Chapter 23

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Jezzy managed to go the rest of the weekend without texting Daniel. Although it didn't stop her from thinking of him more than she cared to admit. Between he sister's visit and her shift at the cafe Sunday afternoon, it left little time for dwelling on what could never be.

Monday morning was upon her, and it seemed that it came too soon for her friends, as well. As the hallways filled with students, Jezzy and her friends caught up briefly about their weekend activities. Amanda recalled how good Mr. Wells, looked at the dance. "What?" She said, when everyone rolled their eyes. "I can't help it if he looked amazing."

"So did you actually talk to him on Friday? Or were you just creepily stalking him?" Nate asked sarcastically. Nate had always thought it weird to like a teacher but most of the others made a big joke out Amanda and her would-be boyfriend. Smiling along with the others, Jezzy didn't say very much. While she was pretty sure that in Amanda's case, the attraction was only one sided, she couldn't help feel self-conscious about her own growing feelings for another faculty member.

"Yes, I spoke to him. I was getting punch and I said 'excuse me'." Amanda was so sincere in her remark that everyone, try as they might, couldn't contain their amusement. It was at this moment that Mr. Cooper came out of the staff room. Caught in each others gaze, Jezzy and Daniel both smiled. Daniel, Mr. Cooper broke the eye contact first, as he headed to his classroom. The contact was brief, but different from their former gazes which often ended in avoidance, instead of a friendly familiarity.

It was Nate who noticed she had grown quiet. Giving her a gentle nudge, he said low enough that only she heard, "I think I know now why you aren't interested in being more than friends."

Jezzy's eyes widened at his half-teasing remark. Unsure of who he saw who her looking at, she deliberated on playing dumb, or making a comment on how she wasn't interested for the simple fact that she wasn't interested. Providence stepped in, however, as the first bell rung and interrupted her thought. Giving him a shrug, she waved to her friends and left for her first class.

Math and English went by slowly. She enjoyed English and did well in Math, but they were nothing when compared to Daniel's class. History came alive in his class. Rather than dry facts and dates, he filled their minds with people and culture, stories and events. Some changed the course of history, others made smaller but no less important effects on people, families and cultures across the globe and across time.

Class ended quicker than Jezzy expected. By the time she packed her bag, most of the students had filed out. Not wanting Daniel to think she was staying behind on purpose, she gave him a quick smile and headed straight for the door.

"So, did you have a good weekend?"

Jezzy paused and looked back at Daniel, who was leaning casually against his desk. "Yeah, I did. Annabel was over, it was nice." Daniel watched as Jezzy's face softened as she thought of her sister.

"I thought about texting you, but didn't want to intrude on your weekend," Daniel confessed, with just an aire of self-consciousness.

Feeling like a fish, Jezzy opened and closed her mouth. Finding her voice she shook her head, "No, you wouldn't have intruded. We spent the afternoon at the park and then ordered pizza and watched movies." Jezzy shifted her bag and leaned against the door frame. A warm sensation crept up her body as she continued, "Annabel probably would have invited you to join us." Jezz smiled across the room at Mr. Cooper, who was still leaning against his desk. "You made quite an impression on her."

Daniel chuckled, which only caused the warmth to creep higher to Jezzy's neck. "She's a good kid. You should be proud."

Daniel's praise forced her to look down, for fear he would see her blush. She was proud. Annabel was more than just a sister to her and it meant a lot that Daniel understood that.

Outside the classroom, the hallway had grown quiet as most of the students had made their way down to the Commons for lunch. The silence from the hall filled the space between them. It was thick and hung there, each person lost in their own world. It was Jezzy who breathed first, the distant sounds trickled down the corridor and reminding her where she was.

"I should go," Jezzy said, tightening her hold on her bag and standing up straight. Daniel nodded and gave her a one last smile before she turned to leave.

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