Chapter 25

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Hailey continued to prod Jezzy about Mr. Hottie, throughout their shift. She thrived on on anything juicy, despite Jezzy's continued insistence that there was nothing going on.

"You know, I really wish you wouldn't call him that," Jezz huffed and blew her bangs out of her eyes.

Hailey just smirked, "You know you secretly love that nickname."

Jezzy rolled her eyes and continued on with clearing the tables. She didn't mind being teased, at least not much. It meant they were friends and Hailey knew more about Jezz than anyone else. Mr. Cooper was wrong, she did let someone in. Two, if you count Mr. Cooper.

Speaking of the devil, Sunday afternoon, Daniel came in to the cafe. Looking more worn out than usual, Jezz grimaced thinking he'd been out late the night before.

Hailey was already taking his order. "Afternoon Daniel, what can I get you today?" Jezzy shifted awkwardly at the sound of Daniel's name. Ever since the beginning of the school year, Jezzy had been careful to only call him Mr. Cooper. It secretly irked her, to hear Hailey say his name so casually.

Daniel nodded and smiled at Hailey, but the smile never quite reached his eyes. "Hello Hailey," he replied then gave his order. Turning his his attention to Jezzy at soon as it was polite, he observed her intently. "And how are you Jezzy? Are you having a good weekend?"

Jezzy swallowed, her mouth suddenly feeling dry. "I'm good," she nodded, giving him a half smile, as she struggled to think of something to add. "It's been a pretty uneventful weekend." Daniel nodded and listened with more than a little interest, as if she were explain something fascinating. Despite his interest, Jezz felt he was less talkative than usual. In fact, he was downright pale. She had guessed he was run down but now she could tell he was sick. She could always tell when her little sister was about to get sick.

"Are you feeling alright, Mr. Cooper?" Jezzy stepped forward raising her hand as if to check his forehead, at the last moment she hesitated and pulled her hand back, while tilting her head in questioningly.

Nodding, Daniel's hand subconsciously touched his throat. "Yeah, I'm ok. Just have a little tickle in my throat. I'll be fine for school tomorrow." Daniel gave her a weak smile.

Jezzy felt the urge to take care of him, the way she had done with Annabel, but he was a grown man. Daniel didn't need anyone to take care of him, did he? Jezz nodded and told him she hoped was feeling better soon. Hailey handed him his coffee, which he accepted. Instead of saying goodbye, he hesitated looking at Jezzy and then back at Hailey. "Well, I guess I should be going," Daniel murmurs almost to himself. Jezz tries not to smile, it's pretty rare for Daniel to be nervous or awkward, but he looks so cute when he is.

Jezz is just about to nod and get back to work, when Hailey suggests that she take her break now, since it's quiet. A knowing smile spreads across her face as she shoo's her co-worker away. Shaking her head, Jezz looks back up at Daniel who is waiting expectantly. "Umm, so I guess I'm free for a bit." Jezz puts the cloth she was using back with the others and steps away from the counter. "How was your weekend, other than coming down with something?"

"I went to see my nephews yesterday," as Daniel talks his face lights up thinking about his his nephews.

"I didn't know you had nephews." Jezzy says, thinking back to when Daniel mentioned he had a younger brother, but he was still in college.

"Yeah, uh I actually have two brothers, well had." Daniel pauses for a moment, uncertainty shows in his face. "He died a while back. Left two boys and his wife behind." Silent now, Daniel shoves his free hand in his pocket, the other grips his coffee and then relaxes. He does this a couple more times, like a sort of release of frustration or emotion he'd rather not talk about.

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