Chapter 20

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"I love you." Demi said as she traced her finger up and down his chest. "I know it's probably too soon for you but I'm already in love with you and I have been for nearly 4 years. I need you to know that." Joe rubbed her back sending chills down Demi's body. "I do know that. I realized that when you were the only person who visited me in the hospital and stayed there everyday. And I'm not gonna lie, I've felt like I loved you since the day we almost kissed. I want you to know that I'm not sure what I'm feeling because it feels new even though I know it's not, but I do know it's strong." Demi smiled as she looked up at him and kissed his chest. Words weren't powerful enough to describe the love she had for Joe. And there weren't any words to describe what Joe was feeling.
He's my soulmate and nothing can change that. If he wasn't, he wouldn't feel the way he does after forgetting all the time we spent together. We're meant to be and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

With Emily/ Emily's P.O.V

I rolled up my dollar bill and set it on top of the line of the cocaine. I covered one nostril and sniffed up the line. I closed my eyes and wiped off my nose, laying myself back on the couch and smiled. I don't know why I was still doing this, I promised myself I'd stop especially since Joe is okay. But shit it makes me feel amazing and so much better. All my problems seem to just go away. I know they're there, but they don't seem like problems anymore. I feel like I can do anything. I felt cold sweats coming so I put the fan on and enjoyed the effects. Within 5 minutes or so, I had to get up. I didn't wanna sit around and do nothing. I felt like cleaning so I did. I cleaned my entire house which was filthy. Dishes were piled in the sink which made my house smell like vomit and which was weird since I can't remember the last time I ate. I cleaned my counters and stovetop and even inside the fridge. I mopped and steamed the floor. I went upstairs and fixed my bed, Joe's bed, which I haven't touched since he left. I cleaned the bathrooms and vacuumed the carpets. Lastly, I washed all of my dirty clothes. It was 4am by the time I finished and was bummed that I didn't have anything else to do.
I'm probably gonna be up for the next 2 days or so.
I need to get clean but I don't want to. I never imagined myself doing drugs and becoming an addict. I grew up believing I'd never touch drugs in my life, I grew up good. I still kinda believe that. I just think right now I'm at an all time low and I don't really know why.

I was at a party about a week after Joe's accident trying to numb my pain with alcohol and hopefully sex and I seen people doing lines and figured, what the fuck? Why not? So I did and I loved it. I haven't done it since then except for today, obviously.
Grabbing my attention, I noticed my phone light up on the coffee table in front of me, it was a boy I met at the party who I did not hook up with sadly because he was fucking hot but he did get me home safely.
"Hey, how are you?" he texted. "finr, u?" I sent and realized I had a typo and I busted up laughing. Everything felt great. "Are you sure? Your lack of punctuation and spelling says otherwise." He was really annoying but also just really hot as I mentioned before. "im fineeeee. promnise /)" I replied and I tried really hard to type correctly and when I thought I did, I pressed send but I didn't. "Yeah, sure. I'm coming over." He sent within a minute or so. I bit my lip. I hope we do something. "cant wait ;)" I sent and he read it right away but didn't reply. He's been over my house 3 times within the last month and we've never done anything besides hug. It's quite upsetting, really. I have a hot guy come over to my house constantly and we never do anything which leads me to being sexually frustrated? What the fuck? I need to buy a vibrator or something.
I go upstairs and take a quick 10 minute shower. I put on my booty shorts and just wear a sports bra. I heard a knock as I was coming down the stairs and realized my stuff was still all over the table. "Shit." I hissed. I run and grab a plastic freezer bag from under the sink and as I run back to the table and struggle to open the damn thing, the door opens. It was him; Elias. His eyes right away caught what I was trying to hide. He slammed the door and rolled his eyes as he walked closer to me. "What the fuck, Emily?" He shook his head and grabbed the bag from me and put everything in the bag and shoved it in my hands. "Here you go. There's your dirty little secret." He scoffed and dropped his self onto the couch. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV which was already on his favorite channel, Food Network; He loved cooking and anything to do with food which as surprising to me because he was fit and didn't look like the chef type. Guys Grocery Games on and he smiled and it seemed like he had totally forgotten about what just happened, which was alright by me because he wasn't my dad. Although, I've always wanted to try daddy kink.
"So, that's it?" I said as I put the bag on the kitchen counter and sat next to him. He looked at me, his thick eyebrows knitting close together. "What do you mean, that's it? What else am I gonna tell you? You obviously don't want to get clean so fuck it. You don't care, neither do I." He smiled and looked back at the TV. Way to make someone feel like an asshole. "I do want to get clean but it's fucking hard, Elias. You don't understand because you're so fucking perfect." His laugh was bitter. "No, Em, I'm not perfect. I'm just smart about what I put into my body. That's the difference."
"I told you not to call me Em." I said as I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes fill with tears. "I'm sorry. But really, Emily you need to get your shit straight. I know I sound like a fucking shrink but it's true and you know damn well. I can help you, I already told you. You're just too stubborn to accept it." I looked the opposite way just so he wouldn't see my tears. I wiped them off and looked straight. "Is this all you came for? Was to bitch at me?" I sniffled. "Actually, I came over to watch this with you." He said as he pulled San Andreas out of his back pocket. My frown turned into a big smile. "That's better." I said as I signaled for him to put the movie in. He put the movie in and it loaded up. "Why are you up at 5 in the morning?" I giggled. "I couldn't sleep especially without knowing how you were, so here I am." He gave me a soft smile. As the previews were playing I scooted closer to him and cuddled him. He wrapped his arm around me and the movie started playing. "Thank you." I said and I was surprised to feel him kiss my head.
That's the most we've ever done. Pretty sure it's still in 1st base though. Ugh.


I hope you guys liked this chapter :) In case you didn't realize, since Emily is high, when she's high she tends to act different. Her sex drive is definitely crazy and just everything about her changes. She goes from a timid, normal, calm girl to crazy, confident, and horny.
Any opinions? Comment, I love reading everyone's comments (: Thanks for reading. x - Josie

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