Chapter 25

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Authors POV
2 months later

Demi's eyes fluttered as she woke up from her short sleep. She rubbed her eyes and groaned, "I told you I'd do it," Joe commented. Demi looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Be quiet." She sat up and got off the bed.

She got a job at a bakery since Joe had worked all the times before, she figured it was the least she could do. It was a little pay but at least it was something.

Joe was completely healed; his leg healed and you can almost tell he didn't have an accident. They just have to live with the memories of it.

Walking to the bathroom, she removed her sleepwear she was wearing, which was just a spaghetti strap and her underwear and let it fall to the floor. "I hate you." Joe laughed as she disappeared into the restroom.
"Well, I love you too,"

She turned the water on to the perfect temperature and got in.

20 minutes later, she gets out and grabs her towel on the rack next to her. She dried her hair as much as she could and started drying off her body. She hasn't had time to look up but when she did, she found a sleepy Joe leaning against the doorway frame and staring at her, up and down.

Demi let out a humorless laugh and continued drying her body, "You didn't close the door, so privacy is kind of off the table." He smirked.

Demi then slipped on her black lace thong and still continued staring at Joe. "You're such a perv," she laughed. He shrugged and walked away, "Only for you, babe." She shook her head and put on her black skinny jeans, then her matching lace bra and a spaghetti strap over it, and the black t shirt that the bakery recommends you wear.

She has grabbed her phone off of the table and put it in her back pocket and sat down on the bed to slip on her converse.

"Are you nervous?" Joe asked as he made Demi her favorite, PB&J. He put grape jelly on one side and peanut butter on both. "No, not really. What's there to be nervous about?" She asked curiously as she stood up and tugged on her jeans. She examined her outfit and looked at Joe for a comment, "You look fine, Dem," He commented with a soft smile. He put the two breads together and handed it to Demi as she grabbed her car keys off of the kitchen counter.

"Thank you. You make the best PB&J's ever," Demi kissed his cheek and left the apartment, leaving Joe alone for the first time in months.

He felt guilty that he wasn't working, after all he is the man and he should work, but Demi insisted. They actually got into a small argument because of how persistent she was over the whole topic. He let it go though and let her have her way because he wasn't about to start world war 3.

He sighed and plopped hisself onto their velvet textured couches. He looked around and spotted his Xbox 360 and forgot he even bad one. He turned it on, and then the tv. He turned his xbox remote on and the game started; which was Call of Duty: Black ops 2.

He starts a regular multiplayer game and even puts on his mic to cuss the people out who were pissing him off.

"Motherfucker," He hissed as the player had killed him; which was totally not fair. He shook his head but kept on playing. What else could he do?

With Demi

She was now 4 hours into her work, out of 8. It was 10am and Demi was serving a lady who had just walked in. "Welcome, how can I help you?" She asked with a warm smile. She was a middle aged woman, maybe late 40s. Her gray hair was overpowering her what used to be black hair. She was clearly Mexican, and just from the looks of it, she looked mean. The lady didn't respond to the welcome greeting whatsoever, instead looked at their bread, cakes, and other sweets they had to offer. Demi wanted to roll her eyes, instead kept the smile on her face.

"Get me a croissant and a slice of pound cake," the lady nearly demanded. Regardless, Demi did as she said and got her what she wanted into a paper bag and walked back to the register. She placed the bag on the counter next to her as she put the information into the computer and added the prices together, "$8.16 please."

The lady rolled her eyes and dropped her purse on the desk and searched through it. She pulled out a $10 bill and handed it to Demi. "If I would've known I had to give an arm and a leg, I wouldn't have fucking came,"
Demi still refused to say anything. Her smile was long gone by now but she never made any face expression to let the lady know she was pissed off. It was her first day, after all.

Demi handed the lady her change and she grabbed it out of Demi's hand with force, she could've pulled Demi's hand off as well. Demi scrunched her eyebrows together and the lady grabbed the bag. "What?" The lady snapped. Demi softly sighed and looked down, "Have a good day, ma'am."

"Don't fucking mock me. It's pretty clear I'm not. You think you're funny, huh?" Demi still had her eyebrows furrowed together, she looked the lady in her eyes and shook her head. "No, ma'am. I'm not mocking you and I'm not trying to be funny." The lady continued her deathly stare. "You should get another job, they shouldn't have bitches like you working here." She snapped. Demi looked down and bit her lip to stop herself from saying something. But considering the big mouth Demi has, she couldn't.

"You know, I'm sorry you had a bad day, I really am. I wish nothing but good days for you, but you really shouldn't take your anger out on strangers, better yet, people in general. We all have bad days, not just you. So learn how to control your fucking anger and get over yourself," Demi hissed.

The lady was surprised and it showed. Her nose flared before she turned around and stormed out of the building. Demi chucked to herself as the lady disappeared out of view. She heard footsteps start coming towards her and seen her co-worker coming from out back. "What was that?" her co-worker said in bewilderment. Demi laughed, "A bad day. That's what it was." She shook her head.

Her co-worker was a girl, she was about Demi's height and a bit skinnier. She was light skinned, and had colored hair which was a dark red. "And it's your first day?" The girl laughed and Demi did too. Today could definitely go up there with the list of worst first days ever. "Go sit out back for a bit and here," She got a napkin and grabbed out a croissant. "Make yourself a sandwich. You deserve it." She flashed a smile and Demi took her offer. She made herself a croissant sandwich. She put ham and turkey, American cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, jalapeños, and mayo.

Demi smiled at the girl and walked out back and sat down. She took a bite of her croissant and it was way better than any regular sandwich. She kept on thinking about the lady and what could've possibly made her that mad.

4 Hours Later

"Hey, how was your day?" Joe asked curiously as he set down his remote. Demi sighed as she walked in and threw herself next to Joe, her body was now over his lap. She looked up at him as he caressed her hair. "Don't even bring it up," she complained and Joe let out a small laugh.

"That bad?" Joe asked with a smile.
Demi nodded as she placed the palm of her hand on her forehead and rolled her eyes back.

It was now a couple hours later, Demi and Joe are sitting down watching TV while eating a simple dinner Demi made, which was grilled cheese.

"Joe..." Demi said hesitantly.


"I haven't gotten my period..."


uhhhh whaaaa
*wink* *flips hair* *sips tea*
hope you enjoyed. ;) - Josie

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