Chapter 26

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Author's Pov

"What do you mean you haven't gotten your period?" Joe asked with wide eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, I'm sure its pretty self explanatory, Joe.." She said as she looked down, avoiding eye contact. She wasn't embarrassed or disappointed, she was terrified.

"Well, do you want to go to the store and buy a test? Just to make sure? I don't want to get our hopes up," He breathed. That sentence quickly got her attention. She lifted her head up at Joe with a soft smile tugging at her lips.

"You're not scared or...upset?"

Joe let out a small scoff and looked her in the eyes, "Of course not. Why would I be mad? Demi, I'm not sure how many times I have to confess my love for you, but uh, I'm pretty in love with you and a family with you is a dream come true. So, no, I'm not upset. Maybe a bit nervous, but I'm not scared either." He gave her a warm smile and Demi stared right back into his eyes; sparkling with hope and love and adoration and Demi didn't think she could love him any more than she did right now.


"Which one is the best one?" Demi asked as she held two different pregnancy tests up to her face. Joe was standing behind her, hoping she knew what to do but then again, they were both new to this. He let out a small chuckle as a mother with her 2 kids, looking to be about 7 and 5 stared at Demi with curiosity.

"Do you need help, love?" The lady said with a big smile, her wrinkles crinkled up by her eyes. Her English accent was thick and she seemed to be in her mid 30s , although youth wasn't on her side. Demi turned around and faced the lady with a nervous laugh and a small smile, "Uh, please? I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for."

The lady exchanged smiles with Demi and handed her the cheapest and most expensive, "If you think a cheaper one won't be accurate, get the better quality one. If you think they both do the same thing, get the cheaper one. Its all up to you, darling." She said softly as she held both the tests up for Demi to examine them.

Demi didn't think a cheaper one would be accurate considering its cheaper than the store brand, so she picked the most expensive that they had. "I want to be sure. We don't want to get our hopes up," Demi said as she quickly glanced at Joe, who returned a soft smile. The lady smiled at Demi and handed her what she said and let out a small breath, "I wish I was that happy when I found out about my first," she chuckled, "but, nevertheless, I hope you get what you want and I wish the best for you two." She smiled and her eyes were warm with care. "Thank you so much for your help," Demi smiled and the lady nodded in response. "My pleasure," her and Demi exchanged a friendly smile and the lady walked off to do her own work.

Joe let out a soft sigh and stood closer to Demi's side, "Lets find out if we got a baby or not," He smiled and looked in Demi's eyes and Demi giggled.


Staring at something that could change your life forever is quite terrifying, for both her and Joe. They didn't know what to do, what to say, what to feel. All they knew was that things could change, in 25 seconds exactly.

They refused to look at the test even though not looking at it had the same effect.

24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11

Demi and Joe watched as the time grew smaller and smaller. Demi drew a deep breath, "Are you ready?"

10, 9, 8, 7, 6,

"As ready as I'll ever be. You?"

5, 4, 3,

"Not really," she breathed.

2, 1, 0.

Joe grabbed Demi's hand and kissed it and her eyes welled up and her soft smile turned serious. "Dem, whatever happens, honestly I don't mind. If we have a kid and we turn into young parents I'm okay with that. We have enough to support him or her. We've been through so much so I know we can get through this. I'm here for you; forever and always."

Demi nodded and her tears released themselves but she quickly wiped them away. She let out the air she didn't even realize she was holding and they both turned around.

Their eyes locked onto the thing that could change their lives drastically. They seen two lines which meant: pregnant. Demi's eyes welled up and she smiled.

She blinked away the tears and looked at Joe, who was crying as well. They locked eyes and smiled at each other. Demi was expecting him to be disappointed, she had figured that he was just trying to seem 'kept together' but she could tell, he was far from disappointed. He was happy and that made her feel as safe as shes ever been; just knowing he will be there through everything.

"Are we really having a kid?" He didn't really say it as a question, more out of surprise. Demi bit her lip as tears flowed, and smiled her big smile and quickly embraced him.

"We're gonna have beautiful children.." Joe remarked with a grin, which made Demi giggle.


So, this is story is almost over!!
mostly because I feel it was poorly written and i just cringe everytime I write a new part. I didn't include a time zones, meaning I didn't have months with holidays and shit which I should've.
I still love this story though and I hope you do too.
next one will be extra long I promise. :)
hope you liked it; thank you for reading. ❤️
- Josie

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