Chapter 14

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"Please don't hang up. Please." Joe begged. He got out of the car so he could have some privacy. Emily understood so she stayed in the car and listened to the radio.

Joe walked to the right of the liquor store which was up on a small hill. He was looking out at LA. He sat down on a concrete wall, which wasn't really a wall, it went up to his knees. Behind was steep, very steep. It was pitch black but down the steep land you could see a street light and also a street that probably not a lot of cars drove on.

Joe sighed, "Demi, where are you? I want to do this in person, please."

On the other end he could tell Demi was trying to not cry because he heard her stop breathing and then breathed again. "I'm sorry, Joe. Its just too much. I told you all I needed to in the text."

"No, Dem, you didn't. All you told me was that maybe we rushed into this too fast. I need more than that. I know why you left but I need you to say it yourself. I want to hear it from you." He wanted to cry but he couldn't. He was just so drained. Demi drew a breath, "I left because that guy told me you and Emily have a thing. He seen you kissing." Joe scoffed loudly and began to talk but Demi stopped him, "No, yeah, I know. But I believed him, Joe. I still do, somewhat."

Now that he knew for sure why she left and why their relationship was at stake, it hurt him definitely a lot more. Tears were now forming his eyes. "Demi, honestly, I'm not gonna lie to you. Yes, I've looked at Emily and thought she was beautiful and attractive but never ever have I done or even thought of doing anything romantic with her. Demi, you're the only one I one. The only one that truly fucking matters. I can't believe you're letting some fucked up psycho make you think different. I know I haven't exactly made it easy for you to think nothing's going on and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, babe. Please Dem I can't keep doing this. I can't keep having these fights or whatever they're called because they break me more and more each time. You really don't know how much you mean to me. I know I'm the worst boyfriend ever and I'm sorry because you deserve the best. You deserve everything good. I love you. There's no words that can explain it." He confessed. Tears were already streaming down his face but he somehow managed to pull off a regular non-shaky voice. He was looking down at the ground when he realized a pair of sneakers next to his. Joe looked up and seen barely anything. He sniffled and wiped his tears. He took the phone off his ear, "Yes?"

All of a sudden he just felt a force push his chest and Joe went falling back.

Rolling and rolling down the steep rocky hill. Running into sticks and branches and bushes and some cactuses and rocks. His body bashing full force onto everything in his way.

He felt as if he was slowly dying.

"Joe..?" Was the last thing he heard Demi say before his mind became blank and unconscious.


"Samantha, hurry! You got about 10 minutes or else you'll be late!" Joe yelled to his 6 year old daughter upstairs.

"Okay, dad!" She said in her adorable high pitched voice.

A minute later she comes racing down the stairs, "And I told you I wanna be called Sam." She said with attitude, but Joe chuckled. "Oh, right, Sam." He smiled. "Come on eat breakfast. Momma made us some special pancakes and bacon."

Her face lit up and she basically jumped her way to the kitchen. Her curly brown hair bouncing along the way. Joe had the same big smile on his face and he followed her. "How many?" Demi smiled at her daughter. "Umm." She held up 2 fingers. Demi nodded and placed two chocolate pancakes on Sam's plate. Demi handed her the syrup and Sam picked it up and drowned her pancakes in it. Demi and Joe giggled. Joe's plate was made and he sat next to Sam and they all enjoyed their breakfast.

5 minutes later

They were done and Demi was already leaving for work. Joe was always the one to take Sam since he started later than Demi. "Daddy, do I look beautiful?" Sam asked as Joe just got in. It was Picture Day at school. Joe smiled at her and said it with no problem, she was perfect. "You look perfect, baby." Sam smiled at her dad, the best dad in the world. Joe chuckled at her one tooth missing in the front. But she was still just as perfect to him. Everything was perfect.


*gasp* what do you think happened? Please comment! Tbh I cried a little writing this part. Well I hope you guys liked it and thank you for reading! I'll write more tomorrow ☺️ - Josie

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