Chapter 18

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Emily's P.O.V:
I was excited and nervous and happy. Mostly nervous. I drew a deep breath and knocked 3 times. Each knock surprised me more.
A couple seconds later the door opens and its Demi. I smiled happily and we hug each other. "Hey." She greets as she hugs me tight. "Hi." I say back. We let go and I keep that smile on my face. "Come in." Demi smiles and I do as she says and walk in. I walk more into the apartment with Demi and Joe is standing up looking very awkward but he still manages to have a happy smile on his face. He doesn't know who I am, and thats my fault. He could've gotten to know me during that month he was in the hospital but I was too scared to see him that way. Guess I'm just gonna have to start all over again.
"Hey, Joe." I smiled. I felt I was getting emotional but I fought it. He doesn't even know me. How awkward would that be to have someone crying in front of you because of you and you didn't even know them? Yeah, I could imagine it'd be pretty damn awkward.
"Hey, Emily, right?" He smiled and he went in for a hug so I hugged back. I nodded while hugging him, "Yeah. But you called me Em." We let go of the hug. "You said Emily was too long and complicated." We both chuckled and Joe shrugged and nodded, "Honestly I was about to ask you if I could call you something shorter." I laughed and so did he. After we stopped I turned around to Demi who was smiling softly. "Do we have anything planned?" I asked. Demi nodded. "You guys do. I got a lot of stuff I need to do. Its fine." She smiled and I smiled back. "Are you sure? It'd be more fun to hang out with you too. I still need to get to know you too." I said. She shook her head, "No, its fine. Maybe another time." She let out a soft giggle and I did the same. "Alright well, see you later." I smiled at her and I started walking towards the door. I figured Joe needed to say goodbye so I didn't wait. I just waited by the door. I heard distinct whispering and not long after, Joe came walking with his crutches. I kept the door open for him and we went out. "So you really don't remember anything at all?" I asked as we stepped into the elevator. He shook his head. "Last thing I remember I was sitting on grass staring out at just lights. I remember something was in my hand but I felt sad. Thats all I could make out. I've told Demi but she doesn't remember anything like that. She probably wasn't with me." I let out a small hmm and looked down. "You were holding something?" I asked, making a weird face. He let out a small laugh, "Funny, huh? I can remember I was holding something but just not what I was holding. It's driving me crazy, believe me. I remember it feeling like a leather texture but that's it." He rolled my eyes. I giggled, "It's driving me crazy too."

The elevator rung and opened and we exited the building. I ran a bit to open the passenger door for him. He had grin and an annoyed look on his face at the same time. As I opened the door, I smiled, "What?" He chuckled, "I hate these things." I giggled, "I think you're supposed to." He threw the crutches in the back seat and lifted himself up using the bars on the inside roof of the car.
Those arms though. -
Oh shut up, Emily. What's wrong with you?
I closed the door for him and went around the car and got inside the drivers seat. I put on my seatbelt and started the car. I sighed and looked at Joe, "Where to?" giving him a soft smile.

With Demi

I closed the car door and let out a small sigh. I locked the car and started up the hill.
Taking a trip down bad memory lane. Woo.
I put my hands in my jean pockets.
I have no idea why I'm doing this.
I reached the top and seen a couple sitting down, close to the edge, taking selfies. They were so happy. I felt my stomach sink as flashbacks came over me.
Why am I torturing myself?
The LA view was absolutely beautiful. I felt my tears coming on but I held them back. I've cried way too much this past month, I'm so sick of it.
I heard the couple laugh which took me out of my trance. I'm so glad they're happy. It's a bad memory for me but could've been happy if I just didn't fuck up. They started getting their stuff ready and they got up. As they walked past me, I smiled at them. "You guys are really cute." I complimented. The girl giggled and so did the boy. "Thank you. So are you." The girl said, obviously kidding. I laughed. "Thank you." They waved at me and we parted ways.
I hope a good future for both of them.
I walked to where they were and sat down. I took in the view, the smell, the atmosphere. Joe said he remembers sitting on grass, staring at lights, holding something that felt like leather.
My heart is telling me he was going to propose but my mind is hoping not because if that's the case, I fucked everything up so much more than I thought. I felt my tears falling and I bit my lip as I let my emotions take over.
I know I did this all to myself. But why? Why did this all happen? Fate? Yeah, right. Fuck fate.

lmao I apologize honestly, I've noticed I suck at finishing things. BUT hopefully I can start this again! I really was doing good with this story so idk why I stopped but I felt like continuing so I hope ya'll enjoyed it, if anyone even is reading. Thank you to whoever is. x (: - Josie

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