Chapter 16

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1 Month Later

Joe has been going to therapy to help with his speech, and Demi has been there for him everyday. Everyday for the past month she's been having to pretend Joe is nothing else but a close friend. Joe gets suspicious but ignores it. Every time he's around her he feels something; he feels as if there's something there. That there always has been.


"I don't even need this." Joe chuckled as he walked, his crutches supporting his left broken leg. Demi looked at him and smiled. "I know but just one last time and then tomorrow you get to go home." She squealed excitedly. "And where is that?" He asked. Demi was surprised, he hadn't asked that question and she didn't know what to say. Home was with her. "Um, we lived together. We were room mates." She tried to give a convincing smile. Joe nodded slowly and surprisingly, believed her. Demi wasn't a very good liar. Finally, they were done with their small walk around the hospital corridors. They entered Joe's room and he sat down on the bed. His therapist then entered the room. Joe gave her a soft gentle smile. "Hi, Dr. Knowles."

Dr. Knowles smiled back and looked at Demi. Whenever she did this, it was a signal for Demi to exit the room and let her do her job.

Demi nodded and exited the room. Since she had to wait she decided to go home and take a shower and get something to eat. Demi's house was only 4 blocks away, and the therapy session only takes about an hour.

Demi exited the hospital and ran to her bike. She unlocked it and got on it and started her way to her house.

A couple minutes later, Demi arrived to her house and got off the bike. She then entered the apartment building with it and got inside the elevator, going up to the 2nd floor.

1,2,and ding.

The doors opened and she exited the elevator and walked to her room #13. She unlocked it and went inside. As she closed the door with the heel of her foot she gently rested her bike against the wall. She walked further into the apartment and turned the small corner, where her bed and where the bathroom was.

Her bed was made. She hasn't really slept in it since Joe got hurt. She couldn't. It only reminded her of them. She looked away as tears were gathering up in her eyes. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She walked to her bathroom and started taking off her clothes. She connected her phone to her speakers she had in the bathroom already and of course, played Kelly. She got into the shower and well, took a shower.

20 minutes later

Demi gets out and wraps a towel around her that she got from the rack next to her. She blasts her music louder so she could hear it outside of the bathroom.

She goes out the bathroom and to her drawer. She gets some underwear, bra, and some faded skinny jeans with a tank top and faded denim cardigan.

She puts all this on and then slips on her navy blue Toms. She went back to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth.

After, she left her hair like that. And then exited the house with her bike again.

This was what she's been doing the past month. This was her life.

She connected her headphones to her phone and played it on Shuffle. Paramore started playing.

She smiled and got on her bike as she was outside her apartments, and rode to a donut shop nearby.

5 minutes later

She gets to the donut shop and parks her bike. She takes out her headphones and rests them on her shoulder. She enters the donut shop and surprisingly, there was hardly anyone there. Demi didn't know what time it was. She hardly ever did. She figured it was 8 something, which was the time she usually came and also when there was loads of people. She looked at her phone and the time was 11. Nothing was really important to her anymore, besides Joe. He was her main priority and main concern. "Demi?" The worker asked as he looked at Demi, who was stuck in thought. They were on a first name basis. Demi's been there so much and orders the same thing everyday.

Demi snapped out of it, "Sorry." She gave a nervous chuckle. "Um, can I have a blueberry bagel with cream cheese?" She asked as she bit her lip.

The worked nodded and he started making her bagel.

Not long after he came to her and handed her her freshly warm bagel. "Thank you. And can I get two orange juices?" She said with a friendly smile. He nodded and got them from the fridge behind him and handed them to Demi. "Oh wait." He said. He took the OJ from Demi and put them in a bag. "Its gonna be difficult holding these on a bike." He softly chuckled. Demi nodded and agreed, "Oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks." She smiled. "No problem."

Demi handed him $7 and he accepted it. "Thank you, again." She said as she exited the store. She put the handles of the bag in the handle of the bike and held her bagel. She rode her 10 minute bike ride to the hospital.

10 minutes later

She gets to the hospital and heads to Joe's room which is on the 4th floor.

After she exits the elevator, she sees his therapist leaving his room. Just like she always did. His therapist gave Demi a soft smile. Demi stopped walking since Dr. Knowles signaled Demi that she wanted to talk. "I'm glad Joe's going home tomorrow. He doesn't even need this speech therapy. But doctors orders, you know. Well, hope you guys do good." She winked. She always teased Demi about Joe. She knew there was more than Demi would like to admit. Demi laughed, "Thank you so much for everything." Dr. Knowles winked again and continued walking to

the elevator.

Demi smiled her way to Joe's room. As she entered she seen Joe laying down watching Ellen. "Hey." She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hey." He replied. Demi sat down next to him and nudged his shoulders with hers. "I got you a orange juice." She said as she pulled Joe's orange juice from the black bag. Joe smiled at her, "Thanks."

Demi knew how much Joe hated the hospital orange juice. It tasted poisonous to him. He has always been picky. "Have you picked your breakfast yet?" Demi asked. Joe nodded, "Yeah I got what you wanted yesterday. Oatmeal with 4 boiled eggs. 2 for me and 2 for you." He smiled and Demi giggled, "Thanks."

As she was done giggling, Joe smiled at her giggle. "I know I have an ugly laugh."

Joe chuckled and shook his head, "Its cute, shut up." He said as he still dazed in her eyes. There was something about her that whenever he looked into her eyes, he felt just pure love. "I'm sorry no." She argued. Joe looked at her seriously, "I'm sorry but yes."

Demi shook her head. Joe nodded his head.

"I'm right and you're wrong so just deal with it. Okay?" Joe said with an adorable smile. Demi almost melted but she contained it. She laughed. "Kay, Joseph. Whatever."

Joe laughed with her too and then they were both caught looking into each other's eyes. Joe started slowly leaning in, aching for her lips. And she was aching for his, she has been for the past month.

Their lips were an inch apart, when they heard someone enter the room. They pulled away and seen it was the guy who always brought Joe's breakfast. His name was George.

Their faces flushed a deep deep red and sat there awkwardly.

Great way to ruin the moment, George.

Joe thought.


Sorry if this wasn't exactly an exciting chapter but I wrote it this way just to give you an idea of what life has been like for Demi for the past month.

I hope you liked it :) and I was sick yesterday and the day before which is why I didn't update. I still am but I feel a lot better!

Thanks for reading loves ❤️ - Josie

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