Chapter 8

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5 days later

Things were going good with Demi & Joe. Joe felt comfortable around Demi again, but the most he felt comfortable with was just kissing. He wasn't ready for more than that, not yet. Just knowing that she's made love with another man, still hurt him, obviously.

Things with Emily & Joe were going great. Joe found himself liking Emily as a close friend more and more. Emily felt the same, except she started to like him much more than a close friend. But she wouldn't let herself think anything like that, she respected Demi and their relationship too much.

Joe hasn't spent the night nor thought about staying with Demi yet. He still needs time and Demi understands that. For now they're a couple but just not exactly what they used to be. It doesn't mean he doesn't love her any less.

"Why can't you stay?" Demi asked Joe as he got up from the bed after they just got done cuddling.

"Because, Dem. You know why." He sighed.

"Joe, you spending the night doesn't mean we have to have sex or anything like that. I just want you here. I know I see you basically everyday but I miss you. I miss laying with you and just having you."

She doesn't understand what its like, does she?

"I love you." He said with a small smile. He didn't know what else to say. Demi looked away and looked out the window. "Demi..." He breathed.

"Why can't you just stay? What's holding you back?" She asked, frustrated.

"Nothing's holding me back, Demi. I'm holding myself back. I just.." He stopped.

"You what?"

"I told you, Dem. I just need time." He sighed. Demi shook her head slightly and continued looking out the window. She's met Emily before, she was nice. But more and more everyday she found that harder to believe. She knew nothing was going on between them but she just felt like she was more involved than Demi really thought.

"Okay, go. I'll leave you alone. Bye." Demi said. She was sad by now, it hurt her that Joe didn't even want to stay. He just came for a couple hours and left. She understood him not being able to trust her but if he could still kiss her and cuddle with her, why cant he spend the night? What's so important at Emily's house that he couldn't stay? Emily?

"Demi..don't do that please."

Tears formed Demi's eyes. "What do you want me to say, Joe? I understand you don't trust me but is spending the night really gonna hurt you? You know how sorry I am and you know I hate myself for it! Something is obviously holding you back."

"What, Demi? What's holding me back?" He asked, he was now frustrated as well.

She shrugged, "I don't know, you tell me."

Joe scoffed. He knew she was jealous, but why? Why would he cheat on her when be loved Demi more than anything and anyone else in the world?

"Whatever you're thinking Demi, its not true. I can't spend the night because I haven't fully forgiven you. Even when I kiss you I still feel hurt. But I do it anyway because I love you and nothing is gonna hold it back. I still lay with you even though my stomach knots up, knowing someone else did that with you. It still hurts. You have no idea what this feels like." He admitted. He's held that in for what felt like a long time.

Demi didn't answer. Tears just fell down her cheeks and she continued looking at the beautiful view.

Joe was annoyed so he crawled back on the bed and kissed her cheek. "I love you, okay? I'll see you tomorrow." He crawled off the bed and walked out.

Demi cried harder after he left. She hates herself so much for it and thats something he'll never understand. She did this to them. And she couldn't blame anyone else but herself.


With Joe

He sighed as he got into Emily's car. Emily let him borrow it whenever he needed to use it, which was mostly just to see Demi.

He was frustrated; not really at Demi but at himself. He hated hurting her. He wanted to spend the night but it was just hard.

He slammed his hand onto the steering wheel as hard as he could which caused the horn to honk. He grunted and started the car and drove back to Emily's.

10 minutes later

Joe pulled up into her driveway. He parked and got out. He locked it and walked inside the house.

It wasn't really a surprise when he found Emily on the couch watching Disney, eating ice cream. He chuckled as he threw her keys next to her. He took off his jacket and placed it on the couch and sat next to Emily. "I wasn't expecting you to be back for another couple hours." She laughed. Joe's smile faded, "Nah."

Emily knew something was wrong. "Uh oh, whats wrong?"

Joe forced a smile, "Nothing. Its fine."

"Joe, I'm not stupid. I know that look. Its the 'im not okay but lets pretend im okay' look." She raised an eyebrow at Joe. "We just kinda got in a small argument." He sighed.

"Joe, you can talk to me."'

"She wanted me to spend the night but I basically told her I didn't want to. She just doesn't understand."

"Honestly, Joe, things aren't gonna get better if you don't take the first step, which is learning to be comfortable with that person again. I know its hard, believe me, but you have to at least try."

Joe nodded and exhaled. "Yeah, I know. I know she wouldn't do it again, its just, I don't know how else to describe it other than saying it hurts. God, I sound like a fucking dumb ass." He chuckled, and Emily laughed.

He couldn't believe he was actually venting to Emily and telling her things he normally wouldn't tell anyone. He's not one to talk about his feelings. It surprised him.

"Tomorrow just go to her and spend the night. Its progress." She smiled softly.

Joe always wondered how she was so good at cheating advice, but he didn't question her because the answer was obvious: she'd been cheated on.

Joe nodded and agreed with her. "What about you?"

"What about me?" She giggled.

"Will you be alright alone? You say you hate being alone."

She thought it was nice of him to worry about her. "I'll be fine. I can handle a night by myself, don't worry." She giggled. Joe smiled.

I'm glad I met her. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't, honestly.


If you like/dislike Emily, comment why! I'd love to know ☺️ Hope you liked it!❤️ - Josie

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