Remus Lupin|Thankyou Kiss

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It was another quiet night in hog warts, and you were patrolling the halls of the school. Your shift was over, so you made your way back to the Griffindor common rooms. As the portrait opened you saw Remus hunched up by the fire on the couch. You sighed as you sat down by him, setting your stuff down. He avoided eye contact with you and pulled the blanket over him closer to his form.

"Remus, look at me." You sighed as you took out bandages and alcohol. Remus was hesitant before he sat sideways, facing you. "Thank you." You said as you put some alcohol on a cloth. You leaned closer and began to clean his wounds as he flinched every now and then. "You should really go to Madam Pomfrey." You said, as you cleaned one of the scratches on his arm, that was especially deep. "I mean this needs stitches!" You said, becoming worried that you wouldn't be able to take care him any more.

"You can do it. Besides I don't need her to treat me like a freak." He said, bitterness in his voice. You sighed as you began to stitch up his arm, you flinching more then him. As you finished wrapping it you looked up at him.

"I'm just....worried that's all." You said. You knew Remus didn't worry about his wounds like you did, since he dealed with them every full moon, but you couldn't help but feel horrible about it. He wouldnt let you come with him when he transformed and you always felt bad you couldn't stop him from attacking himself. Suddenly you felt a hand gently lift your head up as you looked at Remus.

"I'm alright, okay?" He said as he gently kissed you and pulled you into his chest. You sighed as you burrowed your face into his neck, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

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