Mandrakes| Neville

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"What?" You asked the brunette boy as he told you why you were him with. "You willingly volunteered to care for the mandrakes??? And now you've dragged me here to help you?" You questioned as you entered the greenhouse.
"Well the professor is gone. Someone had to do it." Neville said sheepishly as you sighed.
"Bloody hell." You muttered. You both put on gloves and earmuffs, walking over to the mandrakes. "This is a new robe too." You whined, as Neville looked at you. "What?" You asked. He brushed off your question as you both fully put on your earmuffs and grabbed hold onto the top of the mandrakes. Neville easily pulled his out from the pot, ignoring the screaming. You on the other hand leaned as far back from the plant as possible and glared at it, mentally counting to three. Suddenly you pulled the mandrake, resisting the urge to chuck it out the greenhouse window. As it screamed and wailed, you quickly replanted it in the pot, letting out a sigh. Pulling your headphones off for a moment, you gestured for Neville to do the same.
"How many more?" You asked.
"Uhh...17..." Neville said, waiting for your reaction. You stood gaping like a fish before returning to reality.
"Why me..." You complained, pulling your ear muffs back on.

Letting out s sigh of relief, you replanted the last mandrake. Pulling off your headphones, you did a little dance. As you finished doing your jig, you saw Neville smiling at you.
"You." You said while pointing your finger at Neville and stomping up to him. "Owe me, big time." You said. Neville nervously gulped as you said this.
"And what do I owe you...?" He asked, fear in his voice. You stood frozen for a moment trying to come up with an idea when it finally popped into your head. "A date." You said, putting your hands on your hips.
"A date?" Neville asked, making sure he heard correctly.
"Yup." You said, popping the 'p'. A blush covered his cheeks as he shook his head for a moment to snap back to reality.
"Okay...yeah. A date it is!" He said, a goofy smile making its way onto his face as you laughed a little.
"Good. Hogsmeade at the three broomsticks. Kapeesh?" You asked. He nodded as you smiled. "Good. Now let's get back before lunch." You said, looping your arm in Neville's as you walked back to the castle.

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