#3 What the hell is plan B then?! | Fred Weasley

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This was it. This was how you died. Stuck in a broom closet, smushed next to non other than Fred Weasley himself, who was giggling like he was two. You slapped a hand over his face as you heard Snape make his way to the closet. The image of his stone cold, emotionless face framed by greasy hair appeared in your head, disgust rising in you.

Suddenly the Weasley next to you quit laughing, which was never, ever, a good sign. Looking over at him, he was peeking out the crack of the closet. When he caught you looking at him, a fake and worried grin was sent your way.

"Just say it." You hissed.

"He found us."

"Wha-" You were cut off by the doors of the closet being opened, Snape ready to throw all of the books he's ever owned at your head. Though, his now bright pink and sparkly hair did make a bit less menacing.

"RUN!" A scream left your lips as Fred grabbed your wrist and began sprinting down the halls, hauling you behind him. Due to his ridiculously long legs, you were practically being dragged around, your feet barely making contact with the ground.

"It appears...plan A...has failed." Fred said as he finally pulled the two of you into a small excluded corner of one of the halls. It was a good spot to hide, but only temporarily.

"Oh really? I didn't notice." You muttered, pushing your hair out of your face. Fred sent you a lop sided grin, his face flushed from running. "What the hell is plan B then?" You asked. His grin turned into a smirk as your stomach dropped. This was an even worse sign than before.

Before Snape could turn into your corridor, Fred pulled you both out and down the main hall once more, Snape letting out an angry 'Weasley'. You nearly fell down the stairs multiple times, Fred steadying you just in time. As you exited the school and entered the corridor, relief flooded through you. But, as always, you were too quick to assume the best.

Instead of stopping and hiding in a nearby tree like any sane person, Fred pulled you towards the lake, a scream tearing through your lips before you were thrown into the lake, Fred following after. The water was freezing but refreshing, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. A gasp left your lips as you resurfaced, swimming towards the shore.

"Fred?" You looked back. No Fred to be seen. "Fred?!" Panic set in as you ran back into the water before a hand grabbed your ankle and pulled you down into the shallow water. Falling perfectly in Fred's lap. "You cheeky bastard." You laughed, shoving him in the chest lightly.

"Can't deny the obvious." He chuckled, booping your nose. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you rested your head on his shoulder.

"I still win the bet for the prank going wrong though." You added.

"What if I give you cuddles?" He asked, resting his chin on your head.

"I'll consider..."

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