Sirius Black|Chance Encounter

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     You smiled to yourself as you sang on the stage, your band behind you playing along to the lyrics.  You held the mic in one hand and the other made gestures relating to the song.  You began to jump around the stage, dancing, waving your hips, doing whatever came to mind.  The crowd roared which only encouraged you more. 

     You were currently at a party and were hired to sing.  You were known for doing classic rock songs, especially muggle ones.  What was there to not love about them?  As the song came to an end, you took a moment to take a breath, a large smile on your face.  After regaining your composure you stood up straight and waved to the crowd.

     "Thank you!"  You said.  "The last song we'll be singing tonight is Wayward Son!"  You shouted, which made the crowd yell in happiness.  You gave a thumbs up to your band as they nodded, and began to play the song.

     "Carry on my Wayward Son,
     There'll be peace when you are done,
     Lay your weary head to rest,
     Don't you cry no more!"  You sang as you stood in place, getting the feel of the song.  You danced around for the instrumental piece until your que came up to start singing again.

     "Once I rose above the noise and confusion,
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion,
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high!" You continued, standing still, holding onto the mic with both hands.

"Although my eyes could see, I still was a blind man,
Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man,
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming,
And they say..." You paused for a moment, causing the crowd to quiet in suspension until the band began to play the chorus.

"Carry on my Wayward son!
There'll be peace when you are done!
Lay your weary head to rest!
Don't you cry no more!" And with that you eventually finished the song. The crowd cheered as you gave your thanks. Soon you walked off the stage and began to pack your stuff.

"Nice job out there guys!" You said.

"You totally stole the show!" Your guitarist said while hitting you lightly on the back. You smiled.

"One day we'll make it big!" You said. After a while you finished packing and decided to stick around at the party. You didn't come all this way to do nothing. Walking out to the crowd, a couple of people smiled at you or congratulated you before returning to dancing. You smiled and nodded to all of them until you reached some chairs. Taking a seat, you watched the next band preform. You sang along to their songs and clapped the beat along with everyone else until you realized someone took a seat next to you.

"So, your (F/n) (L/n)?" The boy said. You turned to face him and nodded, slightly shocked by his appearance. He was attractive as heck, having gray eyes and shoulder length black hair. "Sirius Black." He said while extending his hand for you to shake. You took his hand and shook it, giving him a light smile. "I couldn't help but notice you were singing classic rock muggle songs." He said, which made you smile.

"I take it your a fan of those songs as well?"

"No kidding! When you decided to play Wayward Son I freaked." He said, letting the fanboy take over his once cool demeanor, which made you laugh slightly. "I love Kansas, they're my favorite band."

"Mine too!" You said. From there on you continued talking about bands which eventually led to talking about random things.

"Favorite color?" He asked.


"(F/c)" you both shouted at the same time which led you to both laughing.

"Party's over people!" The host said, shooing people out. You both stood up and made you way to the exit.

"I had a good time." You said, which made the dark haired buy smile.

"Me too." He said, when you got outside he pulled you to the side. "We should do this again sometime."

"Definitely." You said. You exchanged numbers as you said goodbye and ran to your band.

"You look like you had fun." Your drummer said. Chou nodded shyly. "What happened?"

"Just a chance encounter." You said while smiling.

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