# 1 "I saw you two staring at each other..." | Draco Malfoy

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     You hated him.  You hated him with all your guts.  But you also liked him.  Liked him with all of your living being.  One might ask how that was possible, but when it came to Draco Malfoy, those two feelings naturally came together.  You are currently in Defense Against the Dark Arts,  sitter next to some random Gryffindor, sneaking glances AND glares in Malfoy's direction.  Malfoy is return would catch you and glare right back.  You let out a hiss as someone elbowed you in your side, making you glare at the person next to you. 
     "What?" You whispered as the person nodded towards the board.  The professor was currently speaking of some essay of the sort.  'Great.' You thought.  You let out a sigh of relief as the bell rang and took your assignment  before rushing out of the class.  As you walked down the halls you were interrupted by someone grabbing you and spinning you around, only to see it was. "Malfoy." You spat, glaring at the blonde.
"(L/n)" He growled. "What makes you think you can scoff at me and spread rumors another me behind my back." He said, deathly calm.
"Aww, what's wrong? Malfoy doesn't know how to deal with the real world? What a shame." You said, smirking. You let out a gasp as you were backed into a wall and he leaned in, his face inches from yours. A blush threatened to rise on your face but you ignored the heat rising up from your neck.
"You better watch your back." He said before briskly walking off, leaving you a stuttering mess before you regained your composure.

*****Le Time Skip to Library*****

You glared at the assignment in front of you, quill in hand. You tried to come up with the he next sentence but your mind was blank, earning a frustrated sigh from you as you tossed the quill on the table and sat back in your chair. You closed your eyes when you heard the chair next to you scoot over as someone sat down. Looking over you saw Hermione (lol i didn't know who else to do).
"Don't chop my head off when I say this, but I was watching you and Malfoy earlier and, well...I saw you two staring at each other, but I couldn't tell if it was with sexual tension or murderous rage." She pondered as you suddenly sat up and stared at her.
     "W-what?  Excuse me, I don't have a crush on that...thing!" You protested as she rolled her eyes.
     "Oh come on, it's no secret you like him.  But which was it?  It was both wasn't it?"  She said as you blushed and picked up your items. 
     "I am rake my presence elsewhere, thank you." You said as you left the library and brushed past Malfoy in the hall, making sure to send him a glare.  Okay, maybe you liked him...barely.

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