# 1 I saw you two staring at each other... | Sirius Black

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     "(L/n)." Sirius greeted as you walked into class, a fake smile on his face.

     "Black." You replied, sitting down next to him.  

     "I love what you did with your hair today.  How did you get it to be so greasy?" He questioned, tilting his head in feigned curiosity.

     "I believe you're mixing me up with Severus.  Forget to wear your glasses?"

     "My bad, honest mistake.  You two are just so similar." He said, the both of you leaning towards each other as your bickering grew more heated.

     "It's fine, I confused you with a troll this morning as well while asking for help on my homework.  You both share the same reading level."  Sirius let out a humorless laugh before glaring at you again.

     "At least I didn't run straight into a quaffle during quidditch." 

     "Y'know what, Black?  If I wanted to kill myself, I would jump from your ego down to your IQ level." You hissed.

     "You have pretty eyes."

     "Honestly, you're so-wait, what?" 

     "You have pretty eyes." Sirius said again, slowly this time.  A blush spread across your cheeks as you quickly turned away, slapping a hand over your heated face as you made eye contact with Lily.  A smirk was all you got from her as you turned back to your homework, ignoring Sirius' pleased look.


     The castle let out a loud 'gong' as classes ended, all of you gathering up your things.  Sirius sent you a wink before he disappeared outside of the classroom, your eyes widening.  A hand on your arm caused you to whirl around, coming face to face with Lily.

      "Can I say comment on something?" She questioned as you skeptically nodded.  "I may be wrong, but..."

     "Just spit it out." You begged.

     "I saw you and Sirius staring at each other, but I wasn't sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage." A blush appeared on your cheeks again as you hit Lily with your book.

     "Shush!" You hissed.  A laugh left the girls mouth.

     "I'll assume it was the first option."

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