Remus Lupin|Let Her Go (R)

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(Before you comment saying that i missed lyrics, I intentionally skipped the last few chorus'. It just repeated and I had no clue what to put there.)

Well, you only need the light when it's burning low.
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.
Only know you love her when you let her go.

Only know you've been high when your feeling low.
Only hate the road when your missing home.
Only know you love her when you let her go.
And you let her go.

       "What?!" Remus exclaimed, hands on his head.  You avoided making eye contact as the boy leaned against a pillar.  A devastated look was in his features as you both sat in a tense silence.  "Did you tell them?!"  Remus nearly yelled out of the blue.  You sat down on a bench across from him, shaking your head.

     "No-I-no!"  You exclaimed, appalled by the idea.  "I just came home for Christmas and...they knew.  I don't know how!"  You said as you slumped against the wall.  Your parents only recently found out about Remus and your relationship.  Being the pure blood slytherin you are, this was unacceptable.  Snapped out of your thoughts, you felt a weight beside you.  Remus wrapped his arm around you as you leaned into him.

     "We-we'll make it work out.  I promise."  He said.  You nodded, only being able to hope he was right.

Staring at the bottom of your glass,
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last,
But dreams come slow, and they go so fast.

You sighed as you slumped down on your bed, thoughts racing through your head.  How could you have let his happen? Looking over at your bed stand, you smiled as you saw a picture of you and Remus making random faces.  Picking up the moving picture, you smiled at it fondly.  This was the first day you met.  It felt like yesterday.  Strange, how fast time passes.

     You waited so long for someone like Remus to show up, and when he did, it was a blessing and a curse.  A griffindor and a slytherin was almost unheard of, and you knew your family would not allow it.  Yet, what choice did you have?  Remus didn't judge you, or attack you when he saw what your house was.  He just kept talking to you, and made you feel like you didn't have to be a social recluse.

     Setting the picture down, you sighed as you got under the covers.  There had to be some way you could make this work.  There had to.  This was supposed to be a fairy tale with a happy ending...right?

You see her when you close your eyes,
Maybe one day you'll understand why,
Everything you touch surely dies.

Remus paced in his room, his hand constantly pushing his bangs back.  There had to be a way to make this work.  There was thousands of ways to hide this up...yet he couldn't think of a single one.  The thought of never being able to see (y/n) again sent shivers down his back.  He tried to imagine a word without her witty remarks or dry humor.  He began to tense up as he realized this would soon become a reality.

     No, he wouldn't let that happen.  He remembered when he told you his secret, and you didn't even blink an eye.  You weren't afraid of him, you didn't pity him, you treated him the way he wanted to be.  Normal.  You knew him better then anybody else.
"What?" You asked, noticing Remus was more tense then usual. The boy stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking anywhere but at you. "Remus." You said sternly, grabbing his arm. The boy tensed up more before he relaxed.

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