#12 So You DO Have A Brain | Sirius Black

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         O.W.L.S were coming up, and everyone was working their tail feathers off trying to study. You were one of those many students, and sat in the library with a large book open in front of you. You furiously wrote down notes, ignoring the pain in your hand that began to grow more intense. As you continued to write your notes, you saw the chair next to you being pulled out as someone sat in it.
Ignoring the person, you continued to write. It wasn't until the person began to poke you that you realized it was Sirius. You let out a sigh to let him know you were aware of his presence. But that wasn't enough to satisfy him. He continued to poke you as he kicked your chair. Biting the insides of your cheeks, you attempted to continue studying. As he began to poke your nose, you finally groaned and pulled away from the book, glaring at Sirius.
"What in merlins name do you want?!" You said loudly, making multicultural students hiss 'shh' at you. Sirius gave you a smirk as he leaned back in his chair.
"Yeah (Y/n), be quiet." He taunted. Resisting the urge to choke the boy, you took in a deep breath.
"You didn't answer the question."
"What?" He asked leaning towards you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Why can't I, also known as the best boyfriend ever, hang out with my girlfriend?" Sirius asked as you scoffed.
"Really? A: I know plenty who beg to differ with your statement, and B:, I'm studying for finals!" You listed. "You've had every chance for the past two weeks to be with me, none of which you have taken, but now you want to hang out?" You question as he nodded. Suddenly an idea popped into your head as you gave him a sly smile. "Fine. You want to hang out with me? Then help me study." You said, handing him a book. Sirius stared at he book as if it had offended him before looking at you with the same expression.
"You're joking...right?" He asked.
"Nope. Besides it's a book on the history of quidditch, you should like it."
"I like playing quidditch, not reading about playing it." He said.
"Just read! Take notes on the longest game thingy."
"Excuse me?" He said, genuinely offended this time. "Longest game thingy? The longest game of quidditch in history! No one slept, ate, or drank properly and couldn't even sit for weeks!" He said.
"So you DO have a brain?"  You asked, hitting him on the forehead.
     "Bloody hell woman!  What are you doing, trying to give me a concussion?!" Sirius hissed.
     "Just double checking." You replied coolly.
     "Can I get a kiss as sorry?" He asked hopefully.
     "Nope.  Now read." You demanded as you returned back to your book, Sirius begrudgingly opening his.

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