Chapter 19: A Great Day

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A/N So you know what I said about this chapter? Well I decided I'm going to do it next week. Sorry guys but it's kind of depressing and I'm not really in the mood to write depressing atm as I GOT TABINOF!! It came yesterday and I read it all in one go in two hours. I feel so proud of them and it was amazing. To anyone who's read it (no spoilers please) but holy shit the Vegas story. It sucks that he couldn't post the video. I might write a one shot about the aftermath and just put a spoiler warning at the beginning. Any way I felt like writing a big ol' fluff ball and I realised that I hadn't done one from Dan's POV; everything from him has been quite heavy. So I figured why not. So here it is! Also thank you all so so much from 6.5k reads, I know I haven't done a thank you in a little while but I really do appreciated all the love for this and all the nice comments, it's quite validating. Anyway I'm rambling.

Dan's POV

I was started awake by a banging outside. It was still dark out and I lay tangled in bed with Phil, my heart pounding, my mind going everywhere I didn't want it to.

Blair Witch! Girl from The Grudge!

Suddenly Phil shifted in his sleep, pulling me closer to him and murmuring quietly. All my fears melted and I couldn't help but smile at him and his adorable need for me- which was entirely mutual. I moved closer and drifted back off to sleep.


I woke to the smell of PopTarts and knew it would be a good day. I walked into the kitchen to see Phil leaning against the counter on his phone, waiting for the toaster. He looked up as I walked in and smiled.

"Morning." he said cheerily, walking over and kissing me softly.

"Morning." I replied, my voice still a little rough from sleep.

"Natural hair? I like it." he continued, running his hand through my messy hair.

"Don't get u-used to it," I replied grumpily. I hated my curly hair. "It's o-only until I h-have a sh-shower." Before Phil could try to persuade me to keep it, the toaster popped. We grabbed our PopTarts and made our way into the lounge, taking a seat on the couch and putting on an anime. Specifically Death Note.

"Are we d-doing anyth-thing today?" I asked about half way through. I felt a little restless today (unusual for me but it happens) and I felt like going out.

"Did you want to go to the movies? There's a couple of new ones which look interesting." Phil replied casually. A little too casually. I narrowed my eyes, What was he planning?

"Okay." I said, deciding to go along with it. It was already 11:30 in the morning so we by the time we finished getting ready and left it was almost 1. We found a movie and went into the dark theatre. It was quite good but afterwards Phil dragged me from shop to shop, claiming we needed some new clothes. I mean I like shopping as much as the next guy but it seemed to me that Phil was trying to keep from going home. Finally we were in one shop and I came out of the change rooms to find Phil on his phone smiling. He quickly put it away though when he saw me come out.

"Wh-who was th-that?" I asked quietly, still not comfortable with talking in public. Thankfully though, the change rooms were empty.

"Just PJ," he replied mysteriously. "Ready to go?"

"Sure." I was anxious to know what Phil was doing. When we got back Phil let me in first and we went into the lounge. And there on the dining table was a beautiful meal played out, with candles and a table cloth; the works. I turned to Phil open mouthed.

"Surprise." he said, sheepishly standing in the door way.

"Oh m-my god, Phil. This is b-beautiful," I hugged him and he returned it. "What's it a-all for th-though?"

"Well, it's our six months so I thought..."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise." I replied, feeling awful.

"It's fine," he reassured. "I was hoping you would actually so that this would be a total surprise." He led me to the table and we sat down. I was still marvelling at everything.

"You're t-too much." I teased, grinning.

"I had help." he admitted.


"And the rest."

We ate and laughed until the early hours of the morning and it was probably the greatest night I've had.

A/N Okay, kinda random, kinda pointless but it was cute okay?! I hope?

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