pointless arguments and worried moms... (4)

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White. I hate white. Its so plain and....dull. The walls , the ceiling, the tiles on the floor they were all white.

Where the hell was I?!

I was lying on a bed and to my far right I saw a cupboard with the school logo and Red Cross on it.. The infirmary!
Everything rushed back to me, the conversation with Milly, the sudden warning and of course that blasted ball that landed me here. I felt a dull ache on my forehead and sure enough I could feel a small sore bump. I groaned out loud.

"OH, your awake!"

My head snapped to the left causing a flash of pain through my skull and my gaze landed on The blue-eyed Greek God that caused this in the first place!
"You! Why the hell did you hit me on the head?!" I whisper-shouted.

"What?! Why would I hit you purposely?! The ball just slipped from my hand!! And why are you assuming its me it could have been James as well!" He defended looking at me with an irritated look.

Irritated?! He was irritated?!

"Oh! So the ball just HAPPENED to slip from your hand, which by the way you just admitted so it can't be James, and flew across the parking lot and just HAPPENED to exactly hit me on the forehead." I replied more than annoyed.

"It was not on purpose okay! I don't know how it happened but you were standing In the wrong spot at the wrong time..." He replied looking unaffected by all this.

"Ohmygod you are such a jerk." I stared at him . how could he be so cool about slamming a person in the head with a ball!

"I havent been seated here for the past 45 minutes to have pointless arguments with you, I actually wanted to ask you- "

"YOUR AWAKE!! DAMMIT!" Another voice wailed from behind.

What? I have an enemy...who wanted me dead? But that voice sounded an awful lot like...Milly?

I looked at her incredulously as she came in carrying a a small carton and a coffee cup.

"I go out to get some coffee and I miss your I'm-awake-and-everything-is-white-so-lets-start-complaing-about-how-much-i-hate-white rant. Its been so long since I heard it, when was the last time? Oh ya, you had fallen off the swing in Grade 4, you had landed in the pond and were wearing a white dress, which got soaked and your purple-

"Ok! That's enough Milly!!" I exclaimed turning a bright shade of red. "You promised to never bring that up!"

All she did was laugh and shake her head at me infuriatingly.

"Ahum", a deep voice coughed beside us subsiding our banter...for now. "Well, now that you are awake, I'll be on my way...take care Anyna." Daniel said and started to leave.

"Weren't you going to ask me something?"I wondered out loud.

"Yes.Right. Not that important." He stuttered flicking his gaze between me and Milly and turned around walking out of the door.

That's the second time he left me hanging!

"Wow, you had the most popular guy stuck to a chair for 45 minutes just because he wanted to ask you something not so important." Milly mused stroking her imaginary beard, "what do you do Ninny, what hmm?"

"Ugh! I hate that nickname Melilah! And don't look at me like that, he was just concerned okay!" I said as I swung my legs out of the bed and onto the floor.
The dull ache was still present but as I gulped down a couple of painkillers I felt much better.

"Your mom is here to get you, the school called her after you fainted." Milly informed me.

NO! MOM?! she must be a worried mess right now!!

I hurried outside searching for moms car. Bingo! I thought as I saw her fidgeting in the drivers seat and once she saw me she rushed out with wide eyes and enveloped me in her arms....I hugged her back inhaling her vanilla mommy smell.

"Oh my darling, are you okay?" She worriedly asked me smoothing my hair down.

"Mom! Mom! I'm fine, it was just a small accident, I am completely fine, let's go...come." I led her to the car and after persuading her that I really was fine she started driving home.

As I leaned back, and gazed out of the window I thought about today's incidents. All my life I had never interacted with this boy and now in one day fate caused two very unfortunate incidents for me involving said boy. And what had he wanted to ask me? Why did he sit there waiting for me to regain consciousness? What are you playing at fate?

...................... <3





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