whose side are you on?!?

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Another update earlyyyyyy

Beware; girly scream on the way!!
AHHHHHHHHH 500+ reads!!!! I am so happy!!!!
I wanna thank each and everyone of you who voted and commented on my story. You touched me right in my heart <3

Well Here you go!

Daniels POV

I leaned back on my bed as I stared at a frame in my hand. It was a picture of my mom and I in the kitchen. We were baking cookies and she had flour all over her hair and some on her nose. I was seated on the counter in front of her holding a spatula dripping with cookie dough and my hands were covered in flour and chocolate sauce. I was smiling into the camera like any 11 year old child but what was most noticeable was the smile my mother wore. It was so genuine and warm. Her blue eyes sparkled with happiness and love and her mouth was stretched into a wide grin as she held my hand in hers and looked into the camera.

I noticed a drop of water fall on the side of the frame and realized that it was actually a tear that had fallen.
What made you do it mom? I asked her still figure in the frame.

"We could have done something mom!!" I shouted out on frustration. I started throwing the things on my bedside table at the wall until I calmed down.
I looked over to the floor and noticed my alarm clock, watch and a stack of books fallen broken and torn.
I sighed. Another alarm clock! Seriously man I need some self control!

I placed the frame back in its usual spot before heading down to the kitchen. I needed a serious distraction. After rummaging through the cupboards for a bit I pulled out a packet of chips and a can of Coke. This would have to do.

My phone rang and seeing the caller ID I picked up immediately.

"Hello sir," I answered into the phone.

"Is everything going smoothly son?" My father replied in a clipped tone.

Of course, its always business with him.

"Yes sir, our plan has been put into action. In fact tomorrow is the first day as an official couple." I reported to him.

"Very good. Do not sidetrack your self from the goal Daniel. You must understand that we are doing it to honor your mother."

"Of course sir," I replied back as stiffly as before.

"Good. I will be flying in on Friday for the charity ball on Saturday. Till then do not mess up!" He stated with a threatening tone laced in his voice.

"I wouldn't think of it. Bye dad." I said and quickly hung up.
It felt good calling him dad at times. Sure we did not have any special bond but I knew he cared for me and that was enough.

I looked at the packet of chips in my hand and shook my head disappointedly. Just when I needed a distraction he had to call. Isn't luck being a supportive bitch today.

Speaking of supportive, my thoughts drifted to a certain black haired girl who was, I recently discovered, feisty as well.
I smiled when I thought how easy it was to mistake her for a weakling with her black glasses and cute smile but as soon as you messed with her she became a fireball. I actually enjoyed talking to her even if it was just insults being thrown at me.
Suddenly thoughts of my dark past loomed up pushing any thoughts of Anyna out of my head for the time being and a frown set in when I thought of my "mission". It was pretty simple.

My father had ordered me to date Anyna, make her trust me and then lure her to him. I had no idea why he wanted her as a prisoner or what was going through his mind but I would figure it out soon.

See, my father was an extremely powerful man. He was a hard headed character with only one crack in his exterior. My mother. She was the one person who could make him go weak in his knees and his entire life had revolved around her. When she left us running to an unknown man it had broken his world and destroyed any emotion he was capable of having. Now. He wanted revenge.

After starting from scratch and climbing to the ultimate top of the the corporate ladder he was intent on finding the man my mother had run away with and ruining him.
Even though I had been kept in the dark about more than half the details of the entire situation I had been able to grasp enough information that proved my father was doing the right thing.
He was known to be a cold blooded enemy to anyone who disobeyed him and I was no exception.
I was required to follow any orders given to me or I would find myself in a very unfortunate situation as he had so nicely put it.

This time, my father had mentioned that he was reaching a climactic point in his plan and that he needed Anyna to make it successful.
After several failed attempts at trying to change his mind I was threatened with severe physical torture if I didn't obey him.

He did not just want the girl, he needed her to be emotionally attached to our family. He didn't tell me why...or how but I figured dating her would the best option at brewing any sort of emotion.

I leaned back on the sofa.

I would take physical punishment over emotionally scarring an innocent girl any day however I knew there was something deeper, and darker to this entire story. I would have to play along until I was able to make sense of my father's thinking process before taking any action against him.

It would be tough. Admitted.
It would be painful. Noted.
The consequences were dire. Who gave a fuck?
I needed to do this.

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