aint going through with the crazy shit.

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I was seated at the coffee shop a few blocks away from home. Daniel had called me (from where he got my number I will never know) and told me too meet him here.

As I sat there staring at the lukewarm cup of black coffee my thoughts wandered to the times my dad and I used to make coffee at home when I was 4 and it turned out to be horrible but my mom would happily drink it just because her little princess had helped make it. Who knew it was all a facade, I thought bitterly, that man didn't deserve to be part of my memories.

"Hey, sorry I'm late."an out of breath Daniel muttered sliding into the seat in front of me."Was caught up at practices, the finals are next week you will be coming right?"

"Maybe, I don't really have a reason" I said. "So care to explain your proposition at the library?"

"Of course. But you cannot interrupt until I finish okay?"

I nodded.

"Good. My parents are Judith and Austin Akbar who currently live in Australia to start up their new line of products...."

"Why are you-"I started but immediately shut up when he gave me a look.

"Since they are a pretty huge deal in the business world automatically I get dragged into it as well, which I don't really mind but due to my, uh, atrocious behavior as Principal Monray so eloquently put it my parents think I have tainted their name..."

" where does a girlfriend fit into all of this?"

"I was getting there woman, the vandalism, the false fire alarm and a few rigged car alarms was no big deal but the media made up this bullshit story about me hooking up with various girls..and the last straw getting caught for drugs."

I was shocked!

"I didn't know you were into drugs!". I exclaimed."I just always assumed you were a rulebreaker....Not a lawbreaker!"

"I am not one, do you not listen? The media MADE it up."

"And I should trust you because....?"

"Its a risk you'll have to take, I am not going to prove any shit to you."he said looking offended." And there's more...I need a girlfriend to prove to my parents that I can clean up my act and settle down without their help. And also that I haven't been with any hookers.

"So can't you just have an imaginary girlfriend? Your parents are in Australia right."

Listen, I didn't jump at the opportunity of having to date you! He said. "I thought of every possible way I could avoid this but it came back and blew up in my fucking face!"

He sighed as if trying to calm down and the continued. " I told my mom that I already had someone and we had been going out for a fortnight now which would disprove what the media worked out fine until the stupid charity ball. Since my parents are the biggest sponsors they needed to be present for it and they want to meet my girlfriend...and the worst part is that they were scheduled to come the following Monday but they showed up last weekend and want to meet my girl tomorrow night."

"You realize how messed up this sounds right? There's no way I am going to agree to this. Why don't you get yourself a real girlfriend..shouldn't a hot guy like you have a line of girls waiting for that one chance?!"

He smirked. "So you think I'm hot?"

"Oh get over yourself..I was merely trying to sidetrack you!"I defended feeling the heat creep up my neck.

This was a bad idea. I knew how this would end. It happens all the time in movies and sappy romance novels. One falls in love with the other and ends up hurting them and everyone around them gets freaking fed up by their nonsense.

"Please." He pleaded with those ocean blue eyes."Anyna I need your help. My parents have given me an ultimatum that if I can't handle myself here they'll be forced to take me back to Australia and with the championships and college scouts visits I can't let anything jeopardize my career!"

I sighed.

I didn't trust him

"I don't trust you enough" I voiced out loud.

"I haven't told you anything but the truth...!" He looked slightly hurt.

"I have a hard time trusting people, I have my reasons to not go through with this." I stated thinking back to those romance novel endings." So, no...I will not agree to this Daniel, I'm sorry."

I walked out of there leaving him seated with a stressed look. I felt guilty but I was sure he would find a better replacement for me.


firstly this chapter is dedicated to the amazingly wonderful Arit12345 for being the FIRST person to comment. I freaking love you.

And secondly I felt the earlier chapter was sort of empty so I gave you'll a second update. Yay :p

Vote and comment guys. It makes me happyyyyy!

Love and hugs,

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