old MacDonald had a farm

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Daniel at the mall. He looks so hot I'm jealous of Anyna. I think I'll introduce myself as a character and make him fall for me. Wouldn't that be awesome ;p



"So where do you want to eat?"

We were walking around the mall trying to spot a worthy enough place to eat and so far the only option was MacD.

"MacD." I answered instantaneously. This was the fourth time he had asked that question and my answer had been the same every time.

"Geez. Is that the only place you know?!" He exclaimed probably tired of my lack of response.

"What's the harm in liking MacD?"

"I don't like it."


"Its unhealthy."


"It clogs your arteries."

"Uhuh. So?"

"The greasiness could kill you."

"Are you for real right now?!" I burst out laughing at his lame attempts at dissuasion. I loved MacDonalds with all my clogged arteries so he was fighting a losing battle.

I steered him towards MacD and almost pushed him unto a chair. He pouted like an adorable 5 year old but didn't complain so I took it as a sign of giving up. Finally getting a reason to touch his hair I patted his head, mayyybeee my hand lingered there a bit longer but once again I will deny it even at gunpoint.

Yep. Just as I had imagined. Soft as a feather.

"Good boy." I smiled triumphantly and made my way towards the counter. After ordering my favorite meal and an extra side of fries plus two drinks I took the tray back to the table.

Akbar was texting furiously on his phone but when he saw me return he shoved it back in to his pocket.

Probably his slutty girlfriend. I frowned at that thought but shook it off. Its a fake. We are fake.

Smiling brightly I took my seat across him and started devouring the food reveling in the oh so delicious taste of my burger.

"What are your hobbies." Akbar asked interrupting my few moments of bliss.

"Uhm...reading comes on the top of the list, swimming and painting."

"Wow, painting huh. How good are you?"

"I can't say." I answered him honestly."Usually I resort to random drawings. Even stick figures. I took it up when I had to stop....you know."

"Dancing?" He completed my sentence gazing into my eyes.

I gulped. Swallowing the tears that threatened to come up.

He placed a hand on my arm looking sympathetic. "I'm sorry." He muttered even though it was not him at fault.

"I didn't stop dancing after the accident you know. Much earlier actually. A year and a half before the competition to be precise. My mom forced me into the competition but I didn't have it in me to actually perform. Julliard was- is my dream but maybe its just wishful thinking."I smiled bitterly. "losing motivation was one thing, but losing the motivator hit me hard and then I no longer practiced for performance. Just comfort."

I took a deep breath and looked up to meet his electric blue eyes. He had a tiny frown etched on his face and his eyes no longer held sympathy. It was now replaced by a harder looker. Determination maybe.

His hand, which was on my arm tightened as if comforting me.

"You will dance again, for performance and competition."

"How can you sound so sure."

"You said you lost a motivator right? Well not anymore. I'll be here, so will your mom and your friends Milly, Sal, Mariah and Jenni. The people who love you!"

I blinked. I felt like pulling him into a hug but resorted to giving him a huge smile instead. The phrase 'I'll be here' and 'love you' tugged at my heartstrings. I looked into his eyes and took in his determined expression. I felt something stirring inside me. Hope? Or was it.....motivation?

He pulled his hand back and I almost cried out loud at the lack of warmth on my hand. OK Anyna stop staring at him and focus on the damn burger.

Tearing my gaze away from him I looked down and muttered a soft 'thank you' my eyes focusing on the burger in front of me. He offered a small smile and we ate in silence until Akbar's phone rang. He immediately got up excusing himself as he saw the caller ID. Pressing the phone to his ear he went outside. Clearly this was a private conversation.

Sighing I sat back. Ever since Akbar had walked... more like strided into my life my emotions had been all over the place. My heart was aching to fall for him but heavens forbid my brain allows it. Its just been two days Anyna!!! Get a grip!

My eyes locked in on his figure. He stood straight exuding an aura of confidence. His personality immediately demanded respect and he could seem intimidating but only until you looked into his captivating blue eyes that always seemed to sparkle. His perfect easy smile was contagious however I had yet to hear him full out laugh. He ran a hand through his thick hair causing it to become an attractive mess. It was more than a habit, more like....a default reaction. His lips pulled into an attractive grin obviously amused at something the other person on the line had said.

My heart did flip flops as he leaned onto the doorframe the muscles on his arm growing taut under the pressure.

Ohmygod I think I just drooled. Wiping my hand over my mouth I sighed in relief when I found nothing but hey, that just meant I mentally drooled!


Rubbing a hand over my face I realized that I was in deep shit right now. I think I might....no of course not...I hit my head trying to get rid of the thought.

Oh but you do, the sneaky inner voice mocked at me.

No I don't. I can't.



Holy lord.

............. <3

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Love and hugs,

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