Are you gonna blackmail me for this. How mature!

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Since today was a Friday I was in a pretty good mood. Don't get me wrong I did not have a party to go to or some fancy shmancy dinner, hell even the library closed early today.

Even the librarian has a life, I sighed. The only thing I was excited about was binge-watching New Girl and Criminal Minds.

Currently Milly and I were seated in the cafeteria where she was going on about some documentary she watched on polar bears and I just sat there nodding at the right times and pretending to be interested.

..-.and that's why they do it" she finished with a flourish.

"Uh huh.. Sounds pretty cool" I replied monotonously.

"Even the ketchup on their nose is important. Right Anyna?"

"Of course, isn't that supposed to be our main focus?" I said again without actually listening to her.

"HA!!"she banged her hand on the table, "I knew you weren't listening. Spill, what's on your mind chica."

"Nothing really, I was jus-"

"Hello ladies." A familiar deep voice said from behind me.

I stared open-mouthed as Daniel and James sat down at our table. James winked at Milly and I saw her turn a violent shade of red. Hmmm. Milly doesn't do blushing..and now she makes a tomato look down in shame!
Daniel smiled at me and started sipping his juice when I finally found my voice again.

"I'm not trying to be rude but what are you guys doing here?"

"Eating sweetheart, isn't lunch time specifically given for that purpose?" He asked with an amused look

Stupid prick, I thought.

"I meant at OUR table." I bit out.

I can't sit with my future girlfriend? Well thats just mean sweetheart, I have boyfriend privileges you know." He said pretending to look hurt.

"You!" I pointed my finger at him "are not my boyfriend...never will be."

"Oh you don't actually mean that, especially after what I have to offer you."

"A hot body doesn't cut it Akbar" I scoffed and then realized I had basically admitted that he was hot. Damn. Apparently he didn't miss my little slip-up either.

"That's the second time you've admitted I'm hot" he smirked at me. "And as much as I would like to agree with you I have another offer in my mind."

What now, I sighed banging my head on the table. Ouch!

"Did you seriously just high five the table?!" He asked me like I was stupid. "What? You thought you were Iron Man or something?"

"Geez! Why are you so concerned." I glared at him rubbing the sore spot on my head.

"Because I'm human? Whatever do you want to hear the offer or what?"

At this point Milly and James were just staring at us as if we were a soap opera or whatever and my poor lunch lay cold and forgotten.
I couldnt deny that I was intrigued though.

"What have you got?" I replied genuinely wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Well, I asked around a bit and I found out that this town was blessed with a exceptionally talented dancer who at the age of twelve had been selected to represent us at the National dance competition held in New York. However due to a broken leg which happened in an accident on the way there this participant could not take part." He paused to take a breath and I held up a finger to stop him going any further.

"H-how do you know about this?" I stuttered out.

"I told you, I asked around sweetheart, don't interrupt, as I was saying...the winner of this competition would have gotten a full dance scholarship to Julliard in Manhattan, New York. Wouldn't that have been a privilege"

"Shut it Akbar! You don't know anything about those times! Who do you think you are bringing back those memories!!"

"Sweetheart I'm trying to help you." He looked me in the eye, "My father is on the administrative board at Julliard and he was willing to help you get accepted."

"I'm not a charity case you jerk! I will get into the program on my credits and achievements not some pity pass.!"

I was getting increasingly annoyed at this boy and he had the nerve to sit there looking smug like he hadn't just rubbed a whole bottle of salt on open wounds.

"I also have the authority to get your application rejected. So why don't you think about it again."

My eyes widened. He wouldn't!

"How could you be so heartless.!! You are playing games with my dreams all because of some stupid lie you want to cover up?!" I was on the verge of tears now. "Your sick Akbar...and disgusting and heartless and such a huge dipshit!"

I would have kept on going if he had not placed his hand on my mouth at that moment. He leaned forward and those blue eyes focused on my brown ones.

"Shhh sweetheart. Why don't you think about my offer rather than the consequence. All you have to do is be my girlfriend for a month. After my parents leave we can go back to our normal lives. Except that you would have a amazing opportunity to get into your dream school."

He took his hand away and stood up while I sat there still dazed at what he had said. Since when did my life become so complicated. And as much as Daniel was a disgusting and sick person I could not deny that I would be benefiting the most from this deal.

"I expect an answer by last period..don't make the wrong choice sweetheart." He winked at me and walked off.

James too got up and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Listen to him Anyna. It may not be the best option to choose but its the only option he will give you before he forces you with worse choices." He said and gave a small smile before turning around and following Daniel.

"I do not think you should do this." Milly said looking at me with determination. "No guy should be allowed to play with your dreams like that."

I thought about what she said and a sudden plan started forming in my mind...I smiled bitterly.

"Of course not Mills." I smirked. "I have made up my mind, I will accept his offer."

.............. <3
Hola guys!

Sorry I couldn't update on Friday. My brothers getting married and its super busy busy busy all day all night!!!
Well I'm off to some much needed sleep.

PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT it makes me feel gooooood all over.
And I have 450+ reads. Wow I love you all soooo soooo soooooooooooo much!!

Love and hugs,

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