getting used to it. or maybe not..

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This time Akbar had made it to the coffee shop before me and he had even ordered two cups of coffee and a plate of bagels. I walked towards him and plopped down on the chair across him. Screw lady-like etiquette. I placed my elbows on the table and placed them under my chin.

He smirked at me before sighing.

"I called you here to talk about the Charity Ball."


"Are you going deaf now? The charity ball?" He shouted leaning closer.

"Geez. We're in public, will you stop shouting!!"

Stupid barbarian, I muttered quietly. This boy was infuriating. Suddenly he leaned back and started stirring his coffee looking cool and collected.

"Drink up, or else it's going to get cold."

I looked down and saw a caramel Macchiato with my name and a smiley face on the cup. I always had the same coffee with the same smiley but how did he know that?!

"I saw you having it the last time we met."

What the hell! Could everyone read my mind now. Was I the only normal person here.

"No one is reading your mind sweetheart. You just display your emotions on your face very clearly. Even if your not willing to tell someone."

Wow. I felt a blush creep up my neck at his words and I sent him a weak glare.

"We were talking about the charity ball?" I said trying to obviously change the subject. And it worked.

"Ah yes. Its in five days on Friday as you know. And you will be my date -"

"Gee, thanks for asking." I muttered feeling like a puppet.

He sighed and suddenly dropped down on one knee taking my hand in his while I was seated there stunned and too embarrassed to speak.

What the bubblehelljeepers was wrong with this boy!!?

"Are you crazy?! Get up!!" I hissed hitting him on the shoulder.

"And then they complain chivalry is dead." He grumbled. "Shut up and let me ask you properly. Will you be my date to the Charity Ball even though your my girlfriend and its kinda obvious." He even smiled at the end revealing a cute dimple on his left cheek. Despite his snarky attempt at a proposal I knew I would give in and say yes anyways.

Because of Julliard right. Right?
You know why you little sneaky bitch my brain mocked. Ugh.

He was still looking at me with those clear blue eyes but he was getting impatient. I decided to put him out of his misery.

"Fineee, only because you look pretty pathetic on the floor like that."

He immediately stood up and ran a hand through his hair. I guess it was a reflex action of his to any situation but it looked pretty hot. Geez what was I saying! Your thinking you idiot..not saying my brain piped up again.

Gosh do you ever shut up?!

I'm in you sweetheart. You have to make me.

Hey! Only Akbar calls me that!

Aww how possessive and romantic and pathetic.

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