Bada Boom

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It had been three days since the accident and I had successfully avoided any encounters with mischievous boys and their meddlesome ways.

Classes were the same, boring and sleepy. Currently I was seated in Algebra trying to fathom how the Pythagorean theorem was going to help me pay for college fees when the schools fire alarms rang shrilly causing a mayhem as everyone rushed to the front lawn with panicked expressions.

After a few minutes of complete chaos, we discovered that it had actually been a false alarm.
Principal Monray stepped up on one of the benches with a stern and extremely pissed expression on her face, everyone immediately became silent.

"Whoever is responsible for this atrocious behavior will be severely punished," she spoke in a loud and intimidating voice," it would be better if the culprit or culprits own up to avoid questioning and unnecessary disruption however if they do not we will not hesitate to question each and everyone of you."

I noticed she kept on looking at Daniel and his friends who were standing there with smirks on their faces with a why-waste-our-time attitude. I had an inkling it was them...maybe I was assuming based on looks, but it had to be them.

Since there was no point going inside and resuming classes as the indoor sprinklers had gone off with the alarm we were told to go home. However I needed to make a quick detour to the library so I asked Milly to wait by the car for me

I inhaled the relaxing and musty scent of books as soon as I entered, I was greeted with complete expected...and I headed to the physics section at the back to pull out a few reference books I needed for class. Libraries were my most favorite place in the world. I could leave all my worries outside the door and enter a completely different world in here, where I was given the chance to be who ever the hell I wanted to be and live a thousand lives if I chose to. I was content inside here, and I would have sat for hours if I hadn't realized that Milly must be waiting.

The book I needed was on the top shelf so i pulled the ladder towards the shelf and climbed up until I felt my fingers graze the spine of the book. Just a little bit...just a little more I thought as I stretched..

"Watch out there Miss Parker" a deep voice whispered beside me.

Startled I lost my balance and fell on whoever was standing there, I had landed on top of them so I looked down and found myself staring into those electrifying blue orbs.

HOW FRICKING CLICHE IS THIS?! I thought. I got off Daniel immediately and he groaned holding his chest.

"Damn girl, you sure don't look that strong,"

"EXCUSE ME?" I whisper-shouted.

"What I mean is that you look fragile and very light...not that your too thin or anything..."

"Oh, so you mean I am fat?" I asked raisin an eyebrow.

"What! No! Your perfect in all the right places I just meant...ah fuck it."he said as he trapped me between the shelves. " I really need to talk to you."

"Speak. You have 5 minutes." I stated watching him carefully. All I could think was..too close...he was too close.

His warm breath hit me as he sighed and looked at me intensely.
"I need you to be my girlfriend." He stated.


"Are you crazy?!"I exclaimed, "is this like a bet or a dare or somethinng?!"

"NO!"he said a bit too loudly which caused us to receive a few glares.

"No." He repeated softly,"I'll explain everything to you just not here, can you meet me for coffee?"

"Why, we have never spoken. Why are you asking me out of everyone..."
I was so confused, I had always blended in the crowd and I was happy...why would the popular guy choose me..damn you fate!!

"You suit the description."

"Which description?! Is there like a manual for all this"

He laughed. He had an amazing laugh.

"Your funny, I like you." He said and left me standing there.


.................... <3

I know I know this chapter sucks to the max. I completely lost my storyline for a few days and I was so confused but finally I decided what I want to do so the next update will be a million times better.

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Love and hugs,

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