Chapter 1: Auction

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  • Dedicated to My Sisters for they were my first ever readers:)

Darkness surrounded me. Like silk, it caressed my wounds. Licked them with its wicked tongue and just when my hope to be devoured was there; I awoke. 

  Contained within a concrete cell, my only hope for survival was myself. The darkness followed me from my sleep, but not of choice because not a single stream of light shown in my cage.  How long had it been? Why was I taken? Who would do such a thing? So many questions and only one clear answer. The "who" or at least what took me...

The rusted metal from my cot squealed in protest as I slowly maneuvered my way into a sitting position on the fleece fabric, then cautiously onto the floor. Somehow I managed to blindly crawl across the floors bitter touch until I found the only exit, a door with its unwavering lock that mocked me each time I desperately attempted to turn it. The emptiness it created threatened to swallow me whole. 

"Let me out!" I screamed. "You're a bunch of cowards!" My voice cracked, but for what it lacked my fists took over with a furious assault upon the door. They shook with rage, and my breathing was erratic but my demands were nothing but an echo, synchronizing with my violent blows. Eventually, my hands began to hurt and the assault slowed down to a pathetic slap. Tears slid down my cheeks as my sorrow and anger overwhelmed my senses.  Solitary was cruel, but reality... That was crueler.    

Deep down I believed hope was futile, but I needed it. Anything that would take away the images, the nightmares that replayed like a movie stuck on repeat. All I could imagine was what had been and what was lost. Unlike any other terrifying dream, I couldn't escape this one because it took control when I was awake. As much as I feared death, my fear of living was greater and life as we know it is not what we perceive. Evil is out there, and if it gets one taste of your happiness it will consume you.


It was supposed to be a normal night out with friends. A few drinks, a good time and off to bed with me. It was a late Friday night, another day of my plain simple existence. Novembers bitter wind pricked my hands as I juggled my keys about, and stumbled up to my front doorsteps. Slightly buzzed, I made a few flustered failed attempts to unlock my front door, but I continued the key rotation until I found the winner. The rewarding click sent drunken joy straight to my heart and I rushed inside.

"Mom!"I hollered. My clumsy footsteps into the house echoed, announcing my presence to my oddly silent home. All the lights were off and the only sound heard were my sneakers, and the grandfather clock in our living room swiftly ticking, as all scary clocks do. After flipping a couple switches, I came to the conclusion the power was out and the house remained a dark cave of wonder. A sense of unease swept through me but I brushed it off because I was clearly intoxicated and obviously paranoid. 

With a quick toss of my purse and jacket, I ventured toward the kitchen for my mom, possibly lighting and hopefully... Munchies. 


  "Mom! Why's the power out? Did we blow a fuse?" I attempted once more to call for my mother
However, no matter how much my ears strained, desperate for a signal,  I heard nothing.
My nerves began to spike into sheer panic when I found the kitchen empty of my mother and in neat condition as if she hasn't been in here all night. Mom never stays out of the kitchen because she is either doing paperwork at the table or baking something incredibly delicious for dinner.

Our steel sink was clean of all dishes, meaning she hasn't cooked a thing all night, the white gas oven was wiped down to perfection and our marble countertops had a towel draped neatly over them ready for clean dishes to dry. The windows above the sink were crystal clear and the sunflower curtains were drawn back ready for the sun to shine on her pitcher of daisies sitting on the window seal. Where was my mother?

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