Chapter 12:Yearning Blood

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Sweet bliss. That's all I felt. Warmth flowed through my blood, and And the tingled spread from my neck to every inch of my body. The happiness I felt was so overwhelming that I could barely breathe. Someone pulled me tighter against them, and ran their hands down my lower back.

A Frosted touch made my neck ache for more. It felt so good I didn't want them to stop.

I pulled them closer, and they squeezed tighter to confirm they understood. They liked it too.

I felt a sudden urge to look at the face of the one bringing me so much pleasure.

I opened my eyes, and could see the outline of a guy. He was well built, and his boy was fitted against mine.

"Look at me," I Whispered.

He slowly lifted his head and stared into my eyes.

OH no.. I know those eyes.

Those very same blood red eyes of my mothers killer. Those very same eyes were getting closer.

He leaned in, and gently brushed his lips against my own.

Pull back!

I screamed at my body, but it had a mind of its own. It wanted him.

His breath was cold and minty, but he smelled like fall air.

I could taste a copper pennyish liquid on his lips. It was so warm.

I finally felt my body pull back, and I stared at the substance dripping down his mouth.

It was blood...My blood.

"NO!"I Gasped as I bolted up in creepers bed.

I instantly grasped my neck, and was relieved to find it clean, and no bite marks. I felt warm tears running down my face.

Sweat made my clothes cling to my body because my skin was burning up, but my blood was running cold.

I looked around the room, and was grateful to be alone. I t was just a dream.

I slowly climbed out of the bed, and hesitantly knocked on the bathroom door hoping I was lucky enough for creeper to be gone so I wouldn't have to worry about him being a door away from me.

Yeah I'm not so lucky.

Creeper lightly pulled the door open, and stood in the door frame with nothing but a towel to cover him....His chest was showing. His very well built chest...

I quickly looked away, and tried to cover up my burning cheeks.

"I need to use the restroom," I muttered.

He nodded, and quickly walked past me leaving the door ajar.

I hastily shut the door behind me and splashed cold water on my face.

OH God what is wrong with me?!

I had so many questions, but no answers.

Why am I dreaming about creeper biting me and it being pleasant when the only time I've been bit it was pure agony? Why am did I want creeper so bad, and Why Did I enjoy that?!

I cried out in frustration.

I glanced up at myself in the mirror, and Gaped at my appearance.

My skin was so pale! What's wrong with me?

More questions no answers.

I groaned, and exited the bathroom, and headed toward the bedroom door.

"Where do you think your going?" Creeper questioned.

"To go find something to eat. I'm hungry."

"I will order room service then. Stay, You are not to leave this room without me. You are in danger walking those corridors."

I snorted. "I'm fine. I'm getting my own breakfast."

Before I could even grab the door knob he was blocking my path.

"I don't think so," He frowned.

"You think wrong then."

I tried to push him out of my way but he was ready, and grabbed both of my arms, and pinned them at my side.

"I believe I think right," He chuckled.

I brought my knees up, and kneed him in his soft spot. He grabbed his crotch in pain, and I lightly pushed him over.

"You believe wrong then too," I grinned, and walked right out the door.

I was almost half way down the hall when I was suddenly in his arms, and pressed against his bare chest.

"My beliefs are always right."

Within seconds we were back in the room, and he was placing me on the bed, and keeping a firm grip around my waste keeping me pressed to his nearly naked body.

I could feel him breathing in my sent, and he nuzzled his nose at the crook of my neck.

I shivered.

"What are you doing to me?!"I snapped.

He chuckled, and pulled back to look into my eyes.

I looked away at the sudden memory of my dream.

"It is not I that is doing anything to you. It is your very blood which calls to me. It yearns for my bite, because you have only been bitten once which starts our bond, but to strengthen you, you must let me bite you a second time, and then drink of my immortal blood," He Explained.

"No. You are not biting me a second time, And how is it suppose to strengthen me?"

"You are my blood slave. That is a very important thing. You must understand that? You are mine for eternity. Which means we are connected by blood. It's the closest thing any vampire can have with a human, or even another vampire for that matter."

"I am not your blood slave!"

He chuckled. "Whether you believe it or not you are. You can not always live in ignorance."

I glared at him as he extended his legs over mine.

"Don't even think about it," I gritted my teeth.

He smirked. "I will not force you to do anything. I want you to want me also but that will not be forced. I ache for your blood but I do not wish to anger you further anymore. I will let you have a decent amount of freedom, But you still have to lie with me in my bed."

He pulled me tighter against him, and grinned at my nervous glare.

This is really starting to piss me off.

He leaned in slowly for a kiss. "NO!" I Snapped.

He sighed and leaned back. "Very well. I shall not push you further than this."

He leaned lower against my neck, and started rubbing his nose on it.

"You smell so divine. I have never smell someone so intoxicating before," He murmured.

"Uh I don't know if I like that compliment."

I wiggled uneasy at his closeness.

My blood boiled at his breath hit my neck, but my mind screamed no.

He immediately leaned back, and looked into my eyes. "I will not bite you Ember. Not without your permission again. Its more painful that way then it should be with you. I do not want to cause you pain."

I stared back at him, and My nerves subsided.

He meant it. I could tell. "Okay," I nodded.

He smiled, and slowly released me,and climbed out of the bed.

"I'll be back in a hour or so," He informed before racing out the door.

I jumped up, and ran toward the door, but then I heard a "Click!" From the other side, and the knob wouldn't turn.

Oh great. Another cell.

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