Chapter 22:The first big start of my Change

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Grace smirked down at me,and glanced at her followers.
"Well look who it is girls.Miss wanna take my place.I'm guessing you are the one who's turning into a immortal for Graves instead of me?"She glared.
regaining my composure, I stood up,and stood my ground in front of her.
"Actually yes I am turning into one but I'm not taking your place,because who'd want to be count bitchula queen of the wanna be group?"
Oh yeah I said it!
That same Embarrassed glare of hers took over her facial expression as she thought of something witty to say.
Man she really has the brains of a mouse.

I never would have thought this small petite girl would be the one to get pissed at me when I first came here but look she's done it!
She possessively stepped into my personal bubble space,and looked up at me.
"You just think your so smart,and cool, but just you wait.I will get my place back.You're not the only one turning now.I've found a new Master who will give me what I want,"She snapped.
A Furious growl escaped my dry throat,and my heat beat sped up.I felt my anger rising,and Fury burning in my veins.

"You Think I wanted this?!You think I really wanted him to kill the one person who mattered most to me in this whole world,and kidnap me just so he could force me to take your stupid preppy asses place?!I don't give a rats ass about any of this!"I through my hands up,and pointed around me.

"All I've wanted since I got here was to get my mom back and be normal again!I don't care who turns into a stupid immortal or not!I just want to go home!So get over your stupid selfish ass and leave me alone!Your sad excuse of living isn't making any ones life better!All you're doing is pissing people off and making the wrong enemies!So back away now!"I yelled.

Power coursed through my muscles, and agonizing pain ripped down my back,causing me to stumble,and Grace,and her crew to back up in fear.
Her eyes watered,and her friends ran.A group had formed around us,but they quickly retreated.
Where is graves?!
I screeched as I collapsed on the floor,and my back spasmed.
"Someone get Professor Quin!"A soothing familiar voice screamed frantically as they pulled me to them.

I heard every ones foot steps running,but My eyes remained shut in a agonizing pain.
I could feel every ones fear washing through my blood.I could feel Grace's terror,and guilt.Every feeling showed up as a color in my mind.Graces was A pinkish yellow shade,and everyone Else's was a dark yellow.
Another shot of pain ripped through me.My back felt like something was ripping through it and tearing its was out.
"GRAVES!"I Cried.
Help me help me!

"Shh.It's okay Ember you're going to be okay.Quin is on his way.He'll know what to do,just relax,"Graves voice filled me ears, calming my terrified mind.
"I can feel them.I feel everything!I see they're fear graves!Help me,"I sobbed as he pulled me tighter to him.

"What's happened to her?"A dark whiskey voice appeared next to me.
The new person was showing a light blueish color.
"We-we we-re arguing ,and she blew up,and started screaming at us.Her eyes turned completely clear,and then she collapsed screaming.She said her back hurt,"Graces frightful voice rose a octave higher.
"She keeps saying she sees there fear,and her blood smells like Holy water," Graves Added.
"Get her into my office immediately,"The unknown voice ordered.

I felt something sharp pierce my back,and I screamed snapped my eyes wide open.
"Get the hell off of me!!"I Growled.
Graves crouched next to me cuddling me against him,and a grown man Sat next to me sticking a needle into my side.
He looked at me with concentrating Bright blue eyes,and furrowed sharpened face.His hair was Pitch black shoulder length,and falling in my face.
My instincts instantly told me I needed to run as far away from this man as possible.Fear washed through me,and I tried to crawl away,but whatever was in that needle of his paralyzed me.
My body suddenly went numb,and everything went black.

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