Chapter 31:Freedom at last

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My eyes swelled with tears the moment the door clicked shut, and my chest felt as if it would explode from the agony I was causing myself.

I closed my eyes an slowly sucked in a steady amount of air before Slowly pushing it all out of my lungs.

Denying my feelings for him was one of the hardest things I've ever done but I had to do it. These feelings aren't even real. They are all the blood call and that's all they can ever be. I can't live like that forever knowing its not real.

Bringing myself back to the here and now I hastily made my way to Graves closet for something suitable to wear.

The dress section seemed a bit over done for just a dinner with his parents but well they are his parents..

My hands shook as I shuffled through them trying to keep busy but flashes of his stricken face kept making me want to cry.

I wasn't really paying attention to the dresses as I flipped through them but one dress caused me to stop and stare.

That was my dress..

I snatched it off the hanger and quickly putting it on to prove my suspicions correct.

It was a deep blood red strapless sweet heart neck line dress that clung to my chest and waste then stopping at a midnight black velvet belt that had a bloody black rose attached to it then it flowed down to my knees with a tutuish look to the belt down half.

A sob burst past my quivering lips at the sight of my self in this dress.I bought this dress the week he took me..

Flash back:

"Mom look at this dress!" I cheered as I burst out of the dressing room eager to show my mother my prom dress.

The sight of me in the dress made my mothers face brighten into a huge smile and she rushed to embrace me in a hug.

"Ember you look beautiful!"She gushed.

I grinned ear to ear as more girls stopped and stared at me.

Prom was nearly two weeks away and I never expected to find a dress this amazing this late. I also didn't expected to get asked either..

"Baby you look amazing.that boy is going to pass out from the sight of you,"She giggled.

"Mom aren't you suppose to be a mom and tell me to cover up and be a good girl?" I raised a eye brow at her(A skill I mastered in fourth grade).

She backed up and faked a frown."Why Missy now that you remind me that dress is a bit too cute.We can't have that now can we?"She faked a scold.

laughing I pulled her back into a hug.

"I love you mom,"I smiled.

If I had known that would be the last time I said those words and hugged her I never would have let go.

Flash back over:

I rushed over to the girl section in his closet and ruffled through all of the outfits and dresses my eyes scanning everyone now. Almost all of my old clothes were in this closet. How had I not noticed my own clothes before?

He has been back to my house..

Anger swelled up inside me like a hurricane.

How dare he take my Dress!

I turned away from the mirror without a second glance and left the closet.

I'm going to wear this tonight and I am going to make sure he knows I Know.

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