Chapter 27:How could I?

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"NO!"I screamed as the blade came down. My control came as the knife pierced Graves chest...Not her own. He had taken the blow.

My breathing came horrible fast, and hot tears streamed down my face.

"Dammit Ember!" Rubin Yelled in anger.

I yanked the knife out of his chest and took off my top layer of shirt throwing it on the wound to clog the bleeding. I fell to my knees and pulled his injured form against my chest.

"Oh God oh God Graves I am so sorry.I-i didn't mean to do it," I balled.

He looked up at me raising his hand to wipe the tears off my eyes.

"Ember calm down I'll be fine.What happened to you?" His eyes were showing nothing but pain.

His body glowed a faint gray.

I shook my head repeatedly in denial. "I don't know I-I keep losing control of my own actions.It's like I'm not even in control.The power...Graves I wanted the power.I wanted to taste her fear!"I cried even harder.

"What is the meaning of this?!"The teacher pushed his way through the crowd.

Once his eyes landed on me, and my victim he stood flabbergasted.

"H-how did you manage to hurt a immortal human?"He demanded.

"She's not human that's what I have been telling you."Rubin spoke up,and he limped over to us.

"Back the hell away from me!"I yelled.

He stopped and even looked at me.

"I only seem to have these issues when I am around you!You were egging me on to kill her!"I snapped.

"What!"The teacher boomed.

"It was a accident,"a faint voice croaked.

We all turned to the sound and sure enough the fairy I almost killed was looking at the teacher.

"It was a accident.We didn't mean for that to happen,"She repeated.

The teacher looked at me suspiciously,and she turned a deadly look at everyone of the students who watched what had happened daring them to say other wise.No one dared to tell.

"Is this true Miss Stone?"The teacher narrowed his gaze on me.

I nodded.

He didn't look convinced but he turned away.

"In that case miss Divine please head to the nurse,with them seeing as you are beat up also."

Then he walked away.

The fairy girl,or as he called her Divine tried to stand but her leg that I broke caused her to collapsed back down so one of her fairy friends rushed to her aid.

"Follow me,"She urged then turned around.

I helped Graves up,and gave him support as we slowly followed all the way the the nurse.

She wasn't very much help.

She made him lye down in one of the private rooms,and told me he needed blood...from a blood connected human.

"No,"He flat out answered.

she looked dumb founded."But you need it."

He shook his head no."Just let me go home and I will get the packaged.":

she looked frustrated but nodded and walked out.

I sat down at his left side of the bed and took his hand.

"I am so sorry Graves."I whispered.

A faint smile spread across his even worse white face.

"You're calling me Graves now."

I looked away as a blush spread over my face,but my shame still held.

"I'm scared of my self Graves."I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see his face when it would eventually light up in disgust.

My feelings for him didn't ever want him to hate me but I am a monster.

His touch to my face caused my eyes to flutter open,and see he had leaned in close to my face with out any sound or horrible movement.His lips were near my own,and his cold breath touched my hot cheeks.

"Ember Don't fear yourself.We will figure this out okay?You are stuck with me so stop trying so hard to get rid of me."He grinned against my cheek.

Then for the first time ever I kissed him.

He seemed horrible surprised at first,but then he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me on the bed.His lips felt gentle and soft against my salty teared ones.His hands gripped my waste lightly,and his body pressed lightly against my own.

I never wanted this kiss to end,but he pulled back and laid his forhead against mine.

"Ember oh Ember you have no idea how bad I want you."

I desperate breathes died down as our heart beats slowed.

"Graves do you need blood bad enough that you will die?"I asked.

His face lit up in pain as he turned his face away from my own.

"I-I'm fine,really."

I pulled his face to face my own then kissed him long and hard.I pressed my hands into his hair,and the back of his neck so he couldn't retreat,then slowly I pulled away.

"Bite me."I breathed.

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