Chapter 25:Battle of teen Immortals

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Any other time if Rubin had grabbed my hand,and pulled me into the unknown I would have pimp slapped him and left it at that,but Before my pimpness could come into effect he had pulled me down the hall,and out the back doors with his vampire speed.

After I realized where we were I yanked my hand away from him,and gapped.

We were outside at like a huge military field.Most high schools would have football fields,and tracks,but no.This was a battle field.

There were trents,fighting equipment on the sidelines,all of the field was muddy,and full of Trent's,and it smelled of blood.

The Sky's were darkened,and the air was filled with fog.

The worsted part was there were students out here lined up like soldiers,and none of them were human...except me.

There was more supernatural species out here then I could have ever imagined.

Goblins,multiple types of fairies,werewolves,vampires,ogres,and freaking weird ass shifters!

A group full of fairies were clustered together around one very unique fairy(As if they all weren't unique enough as it is!).She was around six feet tall,her skin held the tone of purely white.Her face was sharp,full,and completely scary.Her eyes blazed black,and her whole feel black.

As if she felt my gaze she turned my way,and met mine.Her thin lips turned up in a terrifying grin showing off all of her razor sharp teeth.Now that's one bite to fear.

"Rubin I am not taking this freaky ass class!I am the only human here!"I Snapped.

He pushed me in line with the rest before I could say anything he turned his snotty ass face to me.

"You have to.Your little escapade proves you need higher class teaching because you are turning faster then you're suppose to.The other humans haven't even come close to as far as you have.You need to be able to defend your self against other immortals who wish to harm you,because your blood tempts even the strongest of us.You need this class now hush!"He whispered.

"You son of a-"

"I hope I'm not interrupting you love birds,to tell you to Shut it!I am trying to teach a class!"A deep furious voice screamed in my soon to be def ear.

A large man appeared in front of us Glaring as all get out.His eyes were so brown the were almost black,his teeth were shaped as canines,and he woar a army Sargent uniform,and he stood over s"6'9'!His hair was shaved to completely balled,and he had no facial hair at all.

The Teacher turned his angry gaze to me,and sniffed.As if my smell appalled him his eyes lit up in complete and utter madness."What is a human doing in my class?!"He roared.

"She has been assigned to you because she is turning much quicker than the rest,and as you've noticed she tends to draw fights to herself."Rubin spoke.

I turned to him,and smacked him smag dap across the face.

"I do not draw fights!"I growled.

That caused the teacher to bust out laughing ,and Rubin to glare.

"She may stay,but she will be treated as a immortal so no special treatment!She fights as the rest and takes the beating as the rest.Understood?!Now Begin!"He Yelled.

Before we could respond all hell broke lose.As if on key the Werewolves attacked the Vampires,and the Goblins leaped at whoever was in site,while the fairies dove for safety.

That's when one fairy noticed me.Her eyes lit up,and she ran.She wanted my blood spilled all over this place.I could feel it.

As if Rubin sensed her,he tackled me to the ground.

Well hell I'm going to die.

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