Rebonded to my mate

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Wind rushed past us as we flew through the sky, prickling my nose and images of Graves face flashed through my mind over and over, prevoking my need for him even more.

Anciously I rushed even faster careful of Beth holding onto me, her fear was taunting me but my need for Graves over powered her lovely fear. "What are you fearful of Human?" My hunger questioned.

She glanced at my face, then down at the ground causing another wave of fear to hit me... Tempting me. "It's so-so far up," She stuttered as she eyed the distance between us and the ground.

My hunger chuckled at such a simple fear that tempted me but I struggled to ignore it and keep flying. Toward where my gut told me to... Closer to Graves.

The burning in my chest sparked even brighter the closer I get to him. My need begged me to hurry up and just get to him but I could only move so fast.

-Hurry you are almost there! You must feed soon so we may unite completely!- My hunger urged me further aware of my little control.

If Her fear rose anymore I would not be able to control myself... It is so tempting to just attack her and forget about him, but a aching to feed from him was so much easier to consintrate on. I could picture him in front of me as I fluttered my wings faster.

His eyes so dark and intense, His smile so dark and sexy, and his lips, oh his lips. Touching those lips and feeding from them was the most entoxicating thing to think about because I urged my need even more. I must feed soon.

-Do not torture yourself. It only makes it worse. Consitrate on the feel of flying, you will love it.-

Irritation tugged at the back of my mind from being so vonerable to this hunger but it was right, flying was amazing.

The wind sliding down your body as you slice through it,and hitting my newly wings sent shivers down my side but the adreneline from flying so high was amazing. My skin adjusted to the high alttitude rather fast so all I had to worry about was Beth.

She shivered against me and was on the verge of bursting into tears from fear.

"We are almost there,we shall be safe soon," I assured her of her safety, and flew a bit lower for to calm her a bit.

She nodded her head, and I was about to speak again but before I could my senses went all hay wirer. A whisling noice echoed in my ear,and I looked over my shoulder to see a red colors aproaching fast.

My instincts told me instantly it was a threat, putting my body into action mode.

I used my new wing muscles and slammed down on them sending us flying even faster and harder scaring the crap out of Beth.

Her screams pierced my new ears horrible but I did not slow down. The whisling got louder and louder even over Beths screaming But I could not slow down till the threat was iliminated or We reached Graves.

-Turn to the left! He is merely a block away! We must hurry the other acient is gaining speed!- My hunger rushed.

My new wing muscles ached along my chest from the closness to Graves but I pushed harder. We had to reach him! We must!

I used my muscles harder and faster, a feeling of determination flooding through my blood stream, and adrenline adding to my hurry.

"You can not out fly me Ember, I am more powerful than you until you feed. You must stop at once. You do not want to defy me!" Quinns furious voice carried through the wind to my ears, and angered my hunger even more.

-How dare he talk to us like that?! We are more powerful than him he does not control us! We are his leader! His master! Hurry to our mate so we may feed and put him in his place! GO!-My hungers plead sent messages all throughout my body awakening more strength and throwing me farther forward, and faster down to a fimiliar neighborhood... My home.

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