Chapter 17:The monster I am is not human

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"Ember wake up," 

I groaned, and turned to the other side begging my body to fall back to sleep. 

"Ember you need to get up or you will be late, "Creeper urged me. 

"I'm not awake shut up." 

He chuckled, and started poking my side. 

My eyes flew open, and I nearly fell off the bed. "Stop!" I yelped.

He sat up, and grinned. "What are you ticklish?" 

His playful smile widened as he saw my hesitation. 

"No I just don't like you touching my side is all." 

Yep total lie but he didn't need to know that. 

He raised his eyebrows at me, and ran his fingers through his hair leaving it messed up, and sticking up at the ears. 

I snickered. 

"What?" He asked.

I shook my head as I reach out, and smoothed his hair down. "You have serious bed head." 

"Oh it can't be any worse then what I'm seeing right now." 

My eyes widened, and I leaped out of the bed, and ran towards the bathroom, but just as I reached the bathroom Creeper was in front of me grinning. "I'm kidding. Your hair looks fine. Beautiful actually. Now go get something to wear. You need to get ready."

I eyed him quizzically. "Why? Where am I going?" 

"To school. Since you are now my blood mate and my mother has confirmed my suspicion of you having immortal blood you must go take the classes and learn as much as you can before you blood chooses its immortal form," He nodded as if he had just said the most normal thing in the world. 

I gaped at him. "OH your mom."

I stood there in shock as everything from yesterday played through my mind again. From the dancing, and meeting Rubin to his father, and being attacked by Debra then being claimed a blood mate. I'm not human. 

"Wait what is the difference from a blood slave, and blood mate?"

"A blood slave is a human who is the giver of blood. You share emotions, and longing for the bites. A blood mate is two immortals who share each others blood with one another, and are joined for eternity. They are much closer, and a strong enough bond can read each others thoughts," Creeper eyed me waiting for me to respond.

I shifted uncomfortable. "So I'm not a slave anymore?" 

He smiled. "No you're much more than that. You're my blood mate. You are equal to me in every way. Once you choose a immortal form we can begin the ceremony." 

"Wait what ceremony?"

He stepped closer to me, and took both my hands in his. "Our union. It is similar to the one humans do to join together except we share blood then pledge ourselves to each other, and we become one. 

"We will be together forever, and you will never be a slave again," He finished and leaned in closer. His lips were inches from mine. 

I wanted to close the distance between us, and make him mine sooner, but my mind knew better. These were the blood calls wanting not mine. That was the only reason I wanted him.

He killed my mother, and made me his slave. I can never forgive him, and I can never be his in the way my body wants him. 

I pulled from his grasp and turned away. "What will I learn in these classes?" 

"Everything there is to know about immortals, and how we came to be. You will learn the how to predict what immortal you will become with your transformation symptoms," His voice cracked as he walked closer to me in confusion.

"How many immortal types are there?" I asked. 


"What am I going to become?" I turned around to face him and waited for an answer. 

He shook his head and sighed. "I do not know. All I know is your blood is very unique so I have to be something special. Blood that smells as rich as yours always turns out to be something very powerful."

I just stared at him, and breathed scared to voice my biggest fear. The one thing I felt that mattered most. "Will I lose my soul?" 

I waited and watched his face very carefully waiting for a response. 

He sighed, and turned away. "I do not know. Most of us believe we lose our souls but there are still some out there that believe we still have it, but its buried deep inside us."

I stepped closer, and hesitantly touched his shoulder, He looked at me, and I almost broke down right there. 

The urge to kiss him burned brighter in me then ever before. 

His eyes held sadness, and his face cringed with worry. So I spoke softly hoping he didn't break as easily as he looked like he would. "What do you believe?"

He waited a moment, and kept staring into my eyes. Then before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine. 

His lips felt cold, but soft as he gently pressed his to mine. He took my top lip in between his, and sucked, then he pulled my body tight against his. 

My body made me respond to his touch without thinking, and kissed him right back. I took hold of his bottom lip and bit lightly then pulled with my teeth. 

He growled, and threw me on the bed with his body on top of mine. 


My mind screamed at me to stop, but my body screamed yes! 

His hands found there way at the edge of my shirt, and they felt cold as they touched my wasted but his touch burned me to the core. 

I lightly licked his bottom lip, and his tong snaked out and found mine. 

Stop Ember stop! 

I put my hands on his chest, and pulled him closer. 

He responded by kissing me harder, and trailing his kisses down my neck. He made circular motions around my jugular before I felt him scrape his fangs across my skin. Nipping my neck.

That's when I saw my mom's lifeless eyes filled with torture, and blood oozing out of two punctures in her neck. 

"Stop!" I screamed as I shoved with all I had in me on his chest, and I sent him flying across the room, and slamming into the wall. 

I bolted up right gasping tears streaming down my face. 

Creeper stared at me eyes wide in shock.

"I uh need to g-get um re-ady,"I stuttered, and jumped off the bed, and ran into the closest. 

Creeper didn't follow. 

I collapsed on the floor, and let my tears fall. 

I didn't care at the moment that I'd just used an inhuman amount of strength to shove creeper. I didn't care that I needed to get ready or that I'm turning into something that might not have a soul. That didn't matter. 

What mattered was that I had just almost let Creeper bite me. The man who killed my mother, and kidnapped me, and worst of all... 

I had wanted it. I wanted my mothers killer. I am a monster.

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